Chapter 5

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It was the next morning, you'd almost forgotten about what happened last night. You woke up rather early to get dressed and get breakfast, hoping you could miss Malfoy but not really. He was messing with you, he was playing you and you knew it.

You quickly got dressed in your robes and went down to the Great Hall for Breakfast. You saw Harry look as you as you walked in which caused you to smile. He was very different from Draco, which might've been a good thing. You sat down at your table and saw the boy coming over. "Hey y/n" Harry said as he sat down beside you, knowing that it wasn't allowed to sit at other tables but he got away with anything. (Literally -_-)

You smiled and looked at the boy who'd came over. "Hey Harry" you replied as you started to eat your breakfast. "I had fun last night" he said with a smile spread across his lips. You couldn't help but look from his pretty blue eyes to his lips and back again. "I did as well" you said as he chuckled a bit.

Then out of the corner of your eye you saw Draco walk in. He'd seen you talking to Harry, he balled up his fists and had an angered look on his face. It caused you to laugh and move a bit closer to the boy next to you. "You wanna talk again tonight?" You offered as you looked up at Draco, his eyes meeting his, then Pansy came in, hanging all over him. That made you jealous, you rolled your eyes and went back to talking to Harry.

After the professors dismissed everyone, you were walking through the halls with Harry, just talking, when Draco walked in front of the two. "If it isn't Harry Pottah, stealing my girl eh?" He questioned as he looked from you to Harry. "Well to be fair, Malfoy, I didn't know she was your girl, you've never claimed her so here I am" he retorted, that caused you to chuckle and shake your head. "Well I'm claiming her now, stay away from her or else" he said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you away. Leaving Harry by himself.

You rolled your eyes and tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't. "You were trying to make me jealous" he stated as he stopped in an empty hallway. "You try to make me jealous with Pansy fucking Parkinson, of all people her?" You said angrily, you shouldn't be getting this overwhelmed over it, he was just playing you anyways. "You think I like her? I fucking like you y/n, I can't stop thinking about you and it's driving me crazy, especially when you're with Harry fucking Pottah" he said angrily. You were surprised.

"Really?" You asked as you looked into his grey eyes, he seemed genuine and actually seemed hurt. "Yes y/n, just stop messing with him, please?" He questioned as he placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. You smiled a bit and nodded. "Alright, Draco, I won't, you're the only guy I want anyway" you said with a small smirk on your face.

The two of you walked to the potions classroom together, but was stopped by Pansy in the hallway. "So you're with the slut now?" She questioned as if you weren't standing right in front of her. You chuckled and grabbed the girls wrist tightly, you must've learned that from Draco. "Listen bitch, I'm better than you, it doesn't take a genius to know that, so with that, don't call me that again, unless you want a black eye" you said as you glared at her. She seemed at bit shocked at your response and so did Draco. You let go of her wrist and continued walking on to class.

Draco smirked and looked at Pansy. "You heard the woman" he said as he walked away, leaving Pansy in the hallway by herself. He eventually caught up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder. "Have I ever told you that you're brilliant?" He asked rhetorically as you both walked into the potions classroom. "No you haven't but you should say it more often" you said as you let out a small laugh and sat down in your normal seat, Draco sitting beside you and waiting for the class to begin.

A/n: Hi loves! Here's chapter 4! I hope you guys enjoy and I'm open to suggestions for anyone that has ideas and wants to get involved in the story! Ily all and tysm for 550 views! 🥺🤍

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