Chapter 14

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"I have a choice, y/n"

Once dinner was over, Draco practically dragged you up to his dorm, closing the door and locking it behind him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he looked at you. You sighed and shook your head. "I didn't get it until today" you said quietly as you looked up at him. "That's why it's so sensitive"

Draco sighed and ran his fingers through his platinum blonde hair. "Merlin y/n, you know how bad this is?" He asked and you just nodded. "Yeah, but another thing.." you said hesitant to tell him, not sure of how he would react. "Vold- Tom Riddle, is my father, he was here today and that's how I got this. He said he gonna come for you next, make your parents give you the mark." You said feeling your eyes fill with tears again.

The boy pulled you into a warm embrace and let out a soft sigh once more. "I have a choice, y/n, my parents won't make me but that doesn't mean Tom Riddle won't come after me" he said softly as he stroked you hair, trying his best to calm you down but he knew it would be hard to calm you down after this.

"I can protect you, he couldn't kill his own daughter" you said softly, hoping what you said was true but then again, you didn't believe yourself. He was ruthless. "Y/n..." he tried to speak but you cut him off. "Shhh, just comfort me" you said softly pulling him closer to you.

After a half an hour of standing there and enjoying the warmth of him and the scent of his expensive cologne, you pulled away and wiped the tears that stained your cheeks. "Can I stay in here tonight, I don't feel safe in my dorm" you said softly as you looked down at the floor.

"Yeah of course, you can sleep in one of my shirts" he said as he went to his wooden dressed and pulled out a black tee shirt, throwing it to you. It was relatively large on you but you didn't really mind. You let out a soft sigh as you looked at the death eater mark on your arm, you wouldn't be able to wear short sleeves anymore to say the least.

"Can I see it?" Draco asked as he came up to you and looked into your e/c eyes. You just nodded and let him softly grab your arm. He examined the skull and all the detail in the mark. "Well it's beautiful but just not a good meaning" he said trying to make it seem better than it was.

"Yeah, I suppose, just don't become one okay? Promise me?" You asked and pulled your arm back to your side. "I promise y/n, as long as you'll protect me and I'll protect you" he replied with a genuine smile on his face, you didn't get to see many of his genuine smiles anymore.

"I promise" you replied, you walked over to the bed and sighed as you laid down in the big King sized bed, leaving room for Draco whenever he was ready to lie down. You quickly fell asleep as you were tired from your very eventful day. You soon felt someone get in bed next to you, assuming it was Draco you didn't bother to look and your assumption was correct when you heard him say this: "Goodnight Darling"

The next morning you woke up to the sound of the shower running, assuming Draco was in the shower, you got out of his bed and sighed looking at your arm to see if it was all a dream. News flash, it wasn't.

You sighed and shook your head trying to forget about it. You gathered your clothes from yesterday and wrote Draco a note saying you went back to your dorm to get dressed for classes. As you walked into your dorm you threw your clothes in a basket and grabbed a new uniform, all of yours were short sleeved, great.

You'd have to cover the mark with makeup, you slipped on your uniform and Slytherin tie as well as your robes. You cursed under your breath as you grabbed some foundation and lathered it onto the black mark. It didn't seem to work though, it would basically make the makeup to where it showed through.

You didn't have a long sleeved shirt you could wear but maybe Draco did, so you walked back to his dorm knocking on the door lightly. Hearing footsteps approach the door, someone opened the door. You looked up seeing Draco, but he only had a towel wrapped around himself. You couldn't help but look as his shirtless body.

"It's not very nice to stare, love" he said with his usual Malfoy smirk. You quickly brought your eyes back up to his and let out a soft sigh. "You're the one shirtless" you said while crossing your arms. "But, that's not why I'm here, I need a long sleeved shirt, preferably white" you said while watching him go to his wardrobe and grab out a while shirt.

"Here, don't dirty it up" he said with a small smirk still lingering on his lips. "Thanks, I owe you one" you said with a smile as you walked back to your dorm, hearing his door shut and you opening yours. You quickly changed into the long sleeved button up and slipped your robe back on over it.

"That's better" you said to yourself as you grabbed your wand and stuck it in it's designated pocket. While doing so, you walked down into the common room and out into the hallway. Letting out a small sigh you walked into the great hall, faking a smile as you sat down with your normal group of people.

"You feeling better today y/n, you seemed a bit sick yesterday" Blaise said seeming a bit worried. "Yeah I'm fine, just got burned yesterday and it was hurting" you said doing your best to lie your way out. "Oh alright, I'm sorry" he said while continuing to eat his food.

You glanced at Draco who seemed to be already looking at you, he had a worried look on his face. "I'm okay" you said softly where he was the only one that could hear you. The boy just nodded and turned back to eating his food.

You could see Crabbe and Goyle scarfing down all the food they could find, it made you chuckle. You weren't very hungry so you didn't get anything, just listened to everyone talk. "I heard Voldemort's recruiting people called death eaters to be on his side of the battle" Crabbe said not paying attention to his words.

You heard what he said and almost spit out your pumpkin juice. Everyone stared at you like you were crazy. "You what?" You said as didn't think he'd be recruiting anyone but the Malfoy Family and a few others. "Yeah crazy right" he replied. You sighed and shook your head a bit. You knew you wouldn't be able to hide it from everyone forever but you sure could try.

A/N: Hi loves! I hope you enjoy this, I really enjoyed writing it! Leave suggestions for what you wanna see next, ily all! 🤍

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