Chapter 25: Tess' POV

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"That was a pretty good movie. Don't you think Tess? Tess?"

"Oh yeah."

"Tess what's wrong?" I want to tell him but the voice keeps on telling me


"Well it's just that..." '

Do not tell him Tess.'

"What? What is it, Tess?"

"I didn't want to tell but...I'm hungry."

"You could've just told me what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, some sushi?"

"That sounds good. I know a place not to far from here."


As we're walking the voice starts to fade but every time Edwin tries to kiss me or get too close to me it gets louder.

"Okay Tess, what's wrong? You're acting strange."

"Nothing. Everything's fine, I already told you I'm hungry, that's all." So we continue walking.

"Just 2 more blocks."


As we were turning the corner I bump into a young man. He seems to be 19 or 20 years old, black hair, green-blue eyes, tan skin and just a little under 6 feet tall.

"Careful there buddy."- Edwin says to him somewhat harsh.

He gives him a small glare. He then turns to me.

"Sorry, I should've been watching where I was going."

"Don't worry about it."

He then just stares at me awkwardly in silence, and the 3 of us are just there, in silence, I break the silence when I ask.

"Do I know you? I'm sorry, I just feel like I know you." He just shakes his head.

"Are you sure? What's your name?Maybe then I'll remember."

He hesitates for a moment and then he tell us.

"Austin. Austin Hunter."

"Well, your name isn't ringing a bell for me. What about you Tess?"

"It's not ringing a bell either but I just feel like we've met before."

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Tess Anderson. And this is Edwin Rhodes."

I just feel like I should know him, and I see a sparkle in his eyes when I tell him my name.

"Well, Austin, nice meeting you. We really should get going, right Tess?"

"Right." - I nod.

"Well maybe I'll see you around. Sorry again for bumping into you Tess."

As we continue walking to the restaurant. I look back and see Austin, looking back too and he gives me a small smile.

When we were right outside the restaurant the voice in small parts says to me. "Go....back.....home....."

"Edwin I'm not feeling so good, I think I should go back home."

"What's going on, Tess? You said you were hungry."

"Um... It's just that....its..."

"What is it, c'mon you can tell me anything."

The voice starts up again.

'Tell him it's the girl thing.'

"Well Edwin, it's, the girl thing."

"Oh. Your period. Well in that case lets, um... get you back home."

While walking back to my house Edwin takes me by the hand, and I think I growled.... So he lets go of my hand.

"Sorry Tess. It must be bad right now."

"Yeah it kinda is." I answer unsure.

What is going on with me? Why am I growling at him? Why do I have a feeling of hatred towards Edwin? And why do I feel like I should know who Austin is. Maybe mom will have some answers...

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