Lycan's Life

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I always wondered about my ancestors. I was sure that they came from Spain, at least from my Mom's side. I never thought about my Dad's side. My 13th great Grandma, her name was Alexis. And she was in multiple ways very special. I found out about this by my best friend, Cara Ross. She too is very special.

I of course, didn't have any idea what she was talking about when she told me what she was. You see Cara isn't really human, well I guess I'm not either...

But first I wanna start on how me and Cara first met. We went to the same middle school, and we both realized we had the same classes, and we became friends I know it's not that exciting but believe me, it gets more interesting.

Cara told me who my grandma was. She was one of the first lycans the sister of the very first lycan. I had a pureblood lycan gene, and it turned on when Cara accidentally bit me really hard.

She and I never thought about the consequences but when she saw me walking around one night, and she noticed that my eyes were a light lavender, instead of a dark brown. She worried and told me the truth.

Anyways that was the year we were in 6th grade now it's June 2017, we're 18 and graduating High School. Not only that but we are getting promoted at The Academy.

Cara and I are some of the best the Academy has. Cara along side her sister, Amanda, are the top 2 from the demons, Matthew and his cousin Aaron are the 2 best from the vampires, and me along side my boyfriend Edwin, we are the top 2 from the lycans. Oh, I haven't introduced myself, My name is Tess Anderson, and I'm a pureblood lycan.


In the Academy we are supposed to find a "mate" before or in the year that we turn 19, if we don't find someone the Academy chooses someone for us. Not fun, so the person that they pick might be 1-6 years older than you. Lucky for me I had a mate, Edwin, we started being mates when we were both 16. The Academy was very pleased that we were together and I was sure that they approved.

But there was a problem, we weren't as close as we used to be, we didn't have that "spark" anymore.

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