Chapter 13: Tess' POV

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"What's going on?! Where am I?"

I can't see anything everything just pitch black, I try to call to Midnight, my inner Lycan. Maybe she can help.

"Midnight? Midnight can you hear me?"


"Midnight! Do you think you can call to Star (Nathan's Lycan)!"

"I've been trying, I feel him near but I can't call to him."

As I try to search for something to tell me where I am, which of course I obviously find nothing, I started to hear a pitched ringing. I cover my ears but it doesn't help. It just gets louder and louder. It causes a terrible, painful throbbing in my head. The high pitch screech continues causing the throbbing in my head, to spread through out my entire body.

I feel something pushing me back. Midnight's voice getting fainter.

I then feel thick giant needles piercing my arms and legs again and again.

I couldn't move. Before I knew it I was on the ground. Screaming, Unable to cover my ears from the screech.

The pounding started to get harder and the screech louder.


"Tess!" I'm barely able to understand.

"Midnight! Midnight something's wrong!"


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