Chapter 19: Cara's POV

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"Nurse Baker? What's so important that you need to give me?"

"Cara! Close the door!" I immediately do as she says.

As soon as the doors were closed she told me to take a seat.

"Cara did anything seem strange or out of the ordinary when you were attacked?"

"No not really. Well besides the slayers traveling in 7."

"May I see?"

Nurse Baker has this somewhat rare "talent" she can see what you've experienced only if you let her. She takes her pointer fingers and puts them on my templates.

"Cara close your eyes. Try hard to remember whatever you can." I do as she says.

When I open my eyes she seems even more concerned than before.

"Just as I thought, you were just the bate. The real target was Tess."


"Just think about it Cara. How many underworlders know who Tess' great grandmother is?"

I think about for a few seconds before answering.

"My guess would be not a lot nurse."

"Exactly! And those who do know, know how extremely rare it would be to get even a small amount of the original lycan gene."

"Tess' great uncle?"


And it's true not many people know relatives of the first lycan. And the only reason Tess knew was because of Midnight and I, who told her.

"Well, nurse, who would be able to know Tess' family tree?"

"Of course my first thought was the leader of the slayers. David."

"Only he would be able to get his dirty paws on that kind of sensitive information. You don't think that he's trying to collect the blood of the originals descents do you?"

"Unfortunately Cara, I believe he is doing just that."

"But nurse, I'm sure that he doesn't know descents of the original vampire and demon. Do you think he knows?"

"I'm not sure Cara. But I do know of a spell that can help Tess recover her memory. Well more of a potion."

"So I have to do work and actually look for the ingredients?"

She gives me glare

"I'm kidding nurse, I'll do whatever it takes to help Tess."

"Good." She goes to what seems to be a back room, seconds later she comes back with a really big old book.

"Memory Recover."

After flipping a few pages she finds what she is looking for.
"Ah, here it is. Cara here are the ingredients:

Goblins Drool
Victims Blood
Photos from their past
Dirt from their homeland
Demons Fire
Vampire Venom
Lycans Fur."

"Great, nurse. I have access to about 1 of these things..." Let the challenge begin.

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