Chapter 20: Nathan's POV

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'Ok I'm sure this is her neighborhood.' It has to be. This is the same park.' I think to myself, as I'm sure I've been walking in circles all day.

"Nathan!" I turn around and see that it's Cara's human boyfriend, Keith.

"Hey Keith."

"Nathan, Cara sent me a message on what happened to Tess 2 weeks ago. Sorry."

I can't believe it's already been 2 weeks. Almost through October. I would've come sooner but headmaster Moore said it would be better for Tess to get used to living with her mom.

"Yeah, I still can't believe it happened Keith."

"So are you looking for her house?"

"Yeah but I can't get her scent and Star (my lycan) can't communicate with Midnight either."

"Well you should've called me, I know where Tess lives."


"Yeah we live in the same neighborhood."

"Oh. Well show me the way."

As we're walking through a park I start to get the scent of someone I know. The scent gets stronger and more irritating. I start looking around.

"No it can't be."

"Nathan what's wrong?"

"Someone I know is here. Someone I dislike."

"Who?" I finally spot who it is, Edwin. Holding Tess' hand. I start growling under my breath.

"Nathan calm down, your eyes are changing color." I start walking towards him.

"Nathan don't." I turn around and see that it's Ryder.

"Ryder?! What are you doing here?!"

"Well I'm just-"

I don't let him finish

"You helped HIM, didn't you?!" I run towards him and tackle him as I'm about to punch him he kicks me off.

I get back up. This time he tackles me and has me pinned to the floor.

"Nathan don't make a scene here!"

He's right there are to many humans around and the ones that were near us are all staring, so I try to calm down, he gets off me and Keith helps me up.

Keith then says "Wow! You guys are really going to do well for the tournament tomorrow!"

The bystanders just look at us for a few more seconds then continue doing what they were doing.

"As I was saying, I'm one of Tess' guards."


"Yeah. Headmaster Moore assigned me."


"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?"


"What about me?"

"Well, just...never-mind"


After that moment I ask

"Do you know who is Tess' other guard?"

"I don't, I also asked but Mr. Hale is the only one who knows and he didn't tell anyone, not even the other headmasters."

As he was telling me something else about the Academy, I see Edwin walking towards us, I try so hard to ignore him. As he walks past us he has a smirk on his face, as if saying

"I guess I win."

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