Chapter 8

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It's only been one week since the newbies arrived and everyone has really been improving. Also I guess Ryan thought about what I told him, and he mentioned to Mr.Moore about the slayers. There are more guards around the training area, around the entire Academy for that matter, and the Academy is pretty big. So it's about half of our entire guarding unit, just to guard the entire Academy.

Out of all of the newbies Nathan was the one who really had to work hard if he wanted to get promoted by December. (We are in June, and there were promotions every month.)

The month of June was going by pretty fast, and soon we would be in July and August, which would be torture for the lycans, vamps and demons didn't mind the heat, but lycans, its a whole different story, us lycans prefer the nice cool weather.

During June and July, Ryan was trying to get closer to me, ever since that supposedly "kiss", and he made things kind of awkward. He tried to help me in whatever way he could, and it was sweet, but it was "too sweet" for me, I was more of a girl of action, which he wasn't taking any.

Anyways.... Moving on, onto the newbies, they were all surprisingly good. In June, when they first got here, they all struggled with the running. Running is important for all of us, hunters especially. Everyday for about an hour or so Ryan and I would teach them a few hand-to-hand combat, basic things, like blocking, and stance.

By July, everyone was able to run continuously with just a small 2 minute break, which was really good because we were always doing a lot of activities that required running.

By the last weeks of August every single newbie could run non-stop as fast as they could,which was pretty fast, climbed trees, and dodge most weapons thrown or shot at them, like spears, arrows, and knives. After they were familiar with dodging weapons, they needed to get familiar with dodging punches and kicks which was next, hand-to-hand combat


Yes!! Finally September, those horrible hot humid days, over! Now since it was starting to get cooler, we could really get some work done! Since I was still to train Nathan personally, Ryan was in charge of the hand-to-hand training, he only needed my help when he was giving an example.

Since the first thing I taught Nathan was hand-to-hand training and at the same time Ryan suggested and made Nathan run 3 times more than the newbies, he was obviously ahead of the others, so after the running, the dodging weapons, climbing trees, the hand-to-hand combat, after all the hard stuff came the more difficult stuff, choosing your weapons, and after choosing your weapons, came the tests, and the "presentations" on how much you've learned, and the demonstrations of your knowledge on how to use your weapon or weapons, you would have to demonstrate in front of the 3 main headmasters, the lycan, demon, and vampire headmasters, they were the ones who choose everything. No pressure, right?

Mr.Moore(lycan) suggested that I also take Nathan on a hunt, which wasn't such a bad idea.

"Mr.Moore, would it be okay if Cara and Matthew came along?"

"Of course Tess, I don't see anything wrong with that."

"Thank you, Headmaster Moore."

Cara and Matthew couldn't be more excited, they both loved whatever chance they got to use their weapons.
Since we were in the beginning of September, Mr.Moore gave Nathan till the second of October to choose his weapons, which was plenty of time.
Our weapons were in an old warehouse east a few yards away from the training area. If any human were to find us, which is about 1 in a billion chances that would ever happen, to their eyes it would look like any regular old warehouse on the inside and out. But to ours, from the outside it is a warehouse, but in the inside, it's a gigantic white room, full of weapons, all sorts of weapons, spears, swords, sais, crossbows, knives, daggers, bows, and tons of arrows. To sum it it up there are a lot of weapons to choose from, even if someone were to not pick a weapon, everyone gets a dagger as a basic weapon. Some usually get 3-5 weapons depending on how good that person is with weapons, and aiming. Now I can tell you about our weapons.

Matthew's main weapons were a crossbow, and spear, and of course a dagger.

Cara wasn't a big dagger fan, so she used her knives instead, bow, and a sword.

I also used the bow, sword, and daggers.

Nathan was trying every single weapon he had in sight, which was every single weapon. After about 2 hours or so, of testing weapons. He chose his weapons, a dagger, a sword, and metal claw covers, which go on a lycans' claws like little swords on your fingers.

Now he just had to practice a bit more with them before he was ready to go on a hunting trip.

While we were walking back to the training area.....

"Hey, Tess, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Nathan, what's on your mind?"

"If I were to ask a girl to be my mate, what would I have to do?"

We both stopped walking.

"Um, well, you would just have to ask them out, like the humans do."

"So I don't have to bring the heart of an animal, or anything?"

"Nope, just ask them out."

"No strings attached? That simple just asking them out?"

"That simple Nathan."

"In that case..."

"What?"-I ask

"Tess Anderson, will you be my mate?"

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