Chapter 23: Cara's POV

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I sit beside Nathan. I look at Keith and he just shakes his head.

"Hey Nathan, what wrong?"


"What happened to Tess?" I ask a little nervous.

"How can she remember him but not us?"

"Remember who?"



"I know! She remembers him but not us!? How is that possible Cara?"

"I don't know, but I think nurse Baker might know. I'm gonna go and head back, but first I need to get some pictures."

"For what?"

"Well since you ask Nathan, I'm going to make a potion to help Tess recover her memory."

"I'd like to help but I have to go do something."

"Oh, okay Nathan, meet at us Tess' house? I'll send you the address."

"Okay thanks Cara. See you later."

He walks off.

"I wonder where he's going?"

"Well babe, knowing Nathan I'm sure he's going to go punch some things to calm down."

"What do you mean?"

"Keith, let's just say lycans and demons have 'anger issues' vampires tend to stay pretty calm."

When a lycan gets to angry or upset, they either start crying or go crazy punching and destroying things now and then. Tess mostly cried, she would occasionally knock down a few trees.

As we are walking to Tess' house Keith tells me everything that happened. Nathan and Keith were just talking when just like out of nowhere Edwin and Tess turn a corner, and they're walking holding hands.

"Okay Keith, you sure it wasn't someone who looked just like Tess?"

"Babe who else do you know has tan skin and blue eyes?"

"Good point."

"She also got a haircut."


"Yeah you know how long she had it but now it's to her shoulder blades."

"Yeah her hair was down to her waist."

"Cara do you think Tess' mom knows about what really happened to her?"

"Most likely, I mean she her self has a lycan gene, but it never really worked for her, and she of course knew Tess' father was a lycan."

"Do you know what happened to her father?"

"He died in the war."

"War? Have you told me about this?"

"I have Keith, like 5 times. The war between each other. Demons, Vampires, and Lycans versus Slayers and humans. The war started a few years before Tess was born. Also a few years before I was born."

Keith chuckles a little.

"Well, what happened?"

"Well David,(leader of the slayers) convinced thousands of humans, to fight the unknown, underworlders, my dad fought in the war too. He was called to join when Amanda and I were 2 years old, our mom also went to fight. When we were 5."

"I'm sorry Cara."

"It's okay, it's in the past and I've moved on. Anyways the slayers obviously lost, even though the slayers outnumbered us by a few thousand, David developed a gas, and he basically erased the humans memories on what they saw, he might be evil but even he knows it not good to expose our secret."

We walk a few minutes in silence. I just think on how Nathan must have felt.

He really loves her.

"C'mon Cara, we're almost to Tess' house." I speed up my pace a little to catch up to Keith.

'Just a few more blocks, and I'll get the first ingredient.'

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