Chapter 15-Runaway Will

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Elizabeth POV

I arrive home to an empty house. Mom and Dad arent here, so I decided to go to the garage and grab some extra plastic boxes to get started on packing. 

I didn't have many things except clothes and shoes in the closet, TV, laptop, desktop, DVDs, and books, ranging from Harry Potter to the Percy Jackson & the Olympians

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I didn't have many things except clothes and shoes in the closet, TV, laptop, desktop, DVDs, and books, ranging from Harry Potter to the Percy Jackson & the Olympians. As I finished packing my entertainment center, I go to the closet and start packing my clothes. 

Most of my clothes were either folded or on a hanger, so it was easier for me

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Most of my clothes were either folded or on a hanger, so it was easier for me. Just as soon as I finished one box, I hear the front door shut. I knew who it was, but I didn't care. I hear footsteps outside of the room when I hear, 

"Why are you home? Have you apologized to Hannibal?" 

I roll my eyes and said, 

"Nice to see you too, Crawford. No, I haven't. I was bailed out and dropped off back here to pack my belongings so I can get the fuck out of this home." 

Dad wanted to grab me by my shirt, but I quickly stood up and stared at him. Dad exhales harshly and says, 

"Where are you going? You don't have the means to get an apartment. Without us, you would be lost."

I cross my arms and say, 

"Unlike you, I don't foolishly waste money. I have money saved, and the amount I have is none of your business. I have a place to go to, and I will go tomorrow because I am tired as hell and I blame you because of what you had done to me. As for Hannibal's apology, he will never get one from me, and my internship between you and me is over. I already signed on with Beverly, and I'll be shadowing her for the remaining six months I have. There. Does that answer any questions you have, or are you going to play stupid as always?"

Dad looked like he wanted to hit me, but instead, he says, 

"Okay. I'll leave you alone. If you want, you can stay a few more days until you have everything settled. In the meantime, I'll leave you to your packing." 

I turn to continue, and he says to me, 

"I love you, Elizabeth. You're my daughter, and I love you. I don't know why you and I are falling apart, but if we need space, I'll give you your space. I hope that we can repair our relationship with time." 

Dad walks away and closes my bedroom door. I want to cry, but I don't. It also goes for me moving out of the house, but I have no choice. My father doesn't believe what I say about Hannibal, and as of right now, Frederick Chilton is the only one that believes me about Hannibal. I stop what I am doing and head over to shower and go to sleep. Tomorrow, I do have to talk to Beverly and ask about a transfer. I only said that I had transferred to make a point. 

The Next Morning

I woke up at 6:30 in the morning and got ready for my day. By the time I finish getting ready, it is already 7:20. I sneak out and head to the garage to grab my car. As I am pulling out of the driveway, I get a text from Beverly.

"I am sorry about what happened the other day. I had no choice, and I didn't want them to shoot you. I received your paperwork last night, and I already approved the transfer. You and Andy Wolff will be working with me. It seems that your father won't be taking interns anymore. When you have a chance, come and talk to me in my office. See you later." 

Well, at least she said sorry. I head over to the Starbucks nearby and order myself a large mocha frappe and a chocolate muffin. I continue to drive down the feeder road, and I listen to some 80's music. I try to place my anxieties out of my mind, but nothing is working. I then try to think about what my next plan is when I move with Chilton. I hope that I don't have to work as his caregiver.  As I get closer to the Bureau, I get a bulletin from the local police and Beverly. Will Graham escaped from his transfer, and that he was armed. 

"Damn it, Will. You are only incriminating yourself further." I say to myself. 

I turn the car off and sit there for a while. I had to think of where Will would go. He could be on his way to Hannibal's, but he won't tell me that truth if he is there at his home. Will could go to Hannibal's office, but again, he would lie to me. I thought long and hard. Will felt guilty about hurting Abigail. She was like a surrogate daughter to him. Will last told me that he couldn't remember killing her, but that he was sure. Yes, a man who runs away from an armored car overpowering the guards means that he is a guilty man, but he could prove his innocence since no one will listen. There's only one place else he could go: to Bloomington, Minnesota.  I quickly drive back home and get on the phone with a representative from the airport to book a Bloomington flight. The flight is booked, and I leave at 12:15 in the afternoon. As soon as I get home, I enter the front door and head upstairs. I go to my closet and take out a duffel bag, and I begin to pack some shirts and jeans, with two changes of shoes and socks. I also take my phone charger and headphones to keep myself entertained. As I am about to leave, I see my mother. 

"Mom, I don't have time to explain. Just know that I am sorry that this had to turn out this way. I still love you, and I always will, but I lost my faith in Dad, and I need to be away from him. I will come and visit you if you'll still want me." 

Mom touched my face and kissed me on the forehead. 

"I am very proud that you are taking charge of your life, and I am thrilled that you punched Hannibal in the face. I never liked his arrogance. You can visit me, and we don't have to tell your father. I'll see you when you get back from your trip. Good luck, darling," 

I smile and kiss her on the cheek. I run past her and head to my car. I had to get to the airport quickly. I throw my bag in the front seat of my car, and I drive off. I try not to speed, but I slightly start to race and zig-zag between vehicles and even the eighteen-wheelers. I don't want to call any unwanted attention from the police, but I need to get to the airport. 

Airport Parking Lot (10:00 am)

As I head to the airport's doors, I head to the counter and check-in for my flight. The clerk says that the airlines had changed the flight time last minute and that I was on time since it was rescheduled to take off at 10:45. I quickly go through the procedures, and I head over to my boarding gate. My ticket is checked one last time, and I go into the aircraft, load my bag into the overhead carriage, and take my seat, which is a window-seat. For now, I am by myself. I turn my phone off as per airline rules, and I wait until takeoff. I have flown before for vacations, and even when Mom and Dad took me to Florence to show me where I was born.  Finally, I can hear the door close, and the stewardess was going on the speaker to notify the attendants for takeoff. I can feel the plane move and the plane taking off from the ground. I was finally on my way to help Will prove his innocence. 

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