Chapter 2-Fake Freddie

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Jack POV

I enjoy that my daughter is interested in learning, but I have to kick her out so Abigail can speak to us. I have my daughter leave so we can conduct our interview. 

"Dad, how long have you known Dr. Lecter?" Elizabeth asks me. 

"I've known him for a while. If you want to shadow him, I can arrange it." 

Elizabeth looks at me and says, "No, I'm just curious; that's all." 

I smile and tell her, "Go wait in your car. I'll be done soon, and we can head back to the office." 

I watch her walk to the elevator and leave. I know that my daughter will be better than me and will do extraordinary things in her life. 

Elizabeth POV

Dad kicked me out since I'm not an officer or a doctor. I head back to the car when I see a flaming red-haired woman sitting in front of Will's car. I want to confront her, but I know who it is as I get closer. It was Freddie Lounds, the tabloid writer. 

"Hello. Elizabeth, right?" Freddie asks me. Ugh, I hate fake people. 

"Who's asking?" I reply. 

She extends her hand and announces, "Freddie Lounds. How are you?" 

I take my car keys from my coat pocket and say, "Very well until I saw your fake-ass color-in-a-box hair from the entrance of the hospital." I reply condescendingly. 

Freddie smiles and says, "Come on, Ms. Crawford. You're no more fake than I am. You're adopted, aren't you?" 

I stopped in my tracks as soon as I arrived at my car. 

"I hit a nerve, right? I know everything about you, Elizabeth. You were born in Florence, Italy, with no parents until Jack and Phyllis Crawford found you and took you back home. How old were you when that happened? Were you a year old?" 

I lifted my head and turned to look at Freddie. As I was getting ready to say something to her, it occurred to me that she could be recording me, so I quickly thought of something else to say. 

"I have nothing to say to you except this: call me the day CNN hires you as a fact-checker. Oh, wait, your talents only go as far as lying and cheating on your one-page paper that you only have five subscribers? That's too bad and so fucking sad. Ta-ta, Ms. Lounds."

I open my car door and start the car. I turn to look at Freddie and smile. I then begin to laugh heartily just to upset her more. I start the car and then leave. I know Dad told me to wait in the car, but I couldn't stay there with that insufferable bitch waiting for her prey like a black widow spider. I call Dad. 

"Honey, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, Dad. I left because Freddie Lounds was outside waiting by Will's car. If I were you, I'd warn him to stay away from her. "

"Too late. She's already confronted him. Did she talk to you?" 

"Yes. She tried to bring up my adopted status, but I told her to go to hell and to call me when she has more than five subscribers." 

"Elizabeth, you have your mother's wit and my tongue. Don't let anyone ever tell you that. I love you very much, and you are my daughter. I'll see you at the office. Go and get something to eat and report back at 2:00. I'll see you. Bye, my love. 

"Bye, Dad. I love you too." 

We hang up, and I continue driving. I wasn't honest when I said Jack Crawford was my father. My mother and father adopted me when I was a year old. My father was stationed in Florence for the United States Army, and my mother was stationed there for NATO. Long story short: I was selected from the many orphans there, and the rest was history. I'm glad that I was set. I have a great life, and I don't regret anything. I can't wait to see what my life has in store for me. Little did I know that those words would change my life forever. 

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