Chapter 13-At A Loss

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Elizabeth POV

Will kidnapping Abigail Hobbs? That can't be. He wouldn't do that. That isn't like Will. My thoughts were interrupted when Dad told me that we were heading to Will's house to arrest him. My heart dropped when I heard that. 

"Dad, please don't! Maybe Will is confused! Maybe he's being brainwashed! Something is happening to Will!" 

Dad turns around and looks at me with seething hate.

"Elizabeth, you need to understand that not everyone is nice. Will has mental issues, and knowing you; you are going to intervene. I am asking you to stay in the car when we make the arrest." Dad says to me sternly.

"Yes, Dad."

A Few Minutes Later

We arrive at Will's house. The FBI and local law enforcement are here already. Dad told me to stay in the car, so I do. Dad walks up to the front of the house, and Will walks outside, along with Hannibal. I huff loudly when I see that Hannibal is there. I can't make out what they are saying. I have to know what is going on. I take Dad's keys, and I slip outside. With the many cars driving up, the noise will drown out the car door slamming from our vehicle. I take one of the FBI jackets that Dad had in his car and put it on. Two FBI agents escort Will to a vehicle, while Beverly, Jimmy, and Brian show up to process Will's home. I can also see that Animal Control is here to take Will's dogs. I observe to see what vehicle Will gets into. I then calmly walk over to the agents and say, 

"Special Agent Crawford needs more men at the house. I'll handle him."

The two agents nod their heads and walk away. Will looks at me and says, 

"You can get into trouble for that."

I huff and say back, 

"I don't care. Please tell me what happened, Will." 

Will begins to stammer and says, 

"I killed Abigail Hobbs. I must've killed her."

I shake my head in disbelief and say, 

"That isn't true. You loved her like a surrogate daughter. Everyone knew that. There's no way that you did!" I shouted frantically. 

"I did! For God's sake Elizabeth, I threw her ear up in the kitchen sink! It was me! I killed her!" Will yelled. 

Tears are falling from mine and Will's face. I see agents walking over to the vehicle, and I say quickly, 

"I will help you get out of this. I don't care what it takes, and I will help you. I'm not going to abandon you, Will Graham. I'll save you from this." 

Will turns to me slowly as a single tear rolls down his face and says to me, in a low voice, 

"It's too late for me. Save yourself instead." 

Will's door is shut by one of the agents, and I am slightly pushed out of the way. The two agents get out of the car and drive away. I can't help but feel sad for Will. My knees feel weak, and I want to fall to the ground and scream in anger. Suddenly, I hear something that I didn't want to hear.

"It's a shame. Such a great mind, and it has gone to waste and decay. All from mental illness."

I turn around and see Hannibal. I take gasping breaths, and I wipe my tears quickly. I didn't want Hannibal to see me cry. Hannibal walks over to me and continues to say, 

"You know, if you continue to hang out with the likes of Will Graham, you'll end up like him. Sick and alone, with no one to help you when you need it the most."

I then say, 

"You were supposed to be watching him and making sure that he was mentally ready for what he was about to endure! This shit all started with Garrett Jacob Hobbs, and since then, you haven't been helpful at all! You are a neglectful and psychopathic son-of-a-bitch! You allowed Will to slip between the cracks and fall over the precipice, and not once did you EVER offer him help. I don't care how long it takes; I will help Will to get out, even if it costs me my life." I turn around, and as I begin to walk away, Hannibal says, 

"You have such passion. It's no wonder that you like playing the helpless and foolish victim." 

I stop in my tracks, and I can feel my anger spreading through my body. Hannibal doesn't stop there.

"Adopted children act out when they are unwanted. In your case, I can see that no one wanted you. Even Will rejected your friendship after a while. Dare I say it? Jack doesn't even care for you. To him, you are nothing but a hopeless charity case." 

That did it. I ran to Hannibal and punched him in the face. I knock Hannibal back, and I continue to beat him. FBI agents began to run towards Hannibal and me. Hannibal then hits me back. I break free from the one agent holding me back, and I deliver a swift kick to Hannibal's groin; and as he falls to the floor, I then kick his face with my boot. Dad runs over and detains me. 

"ELIZABETH! STOP!" Dad yells. 

All I see and want is blood. I want Hannibal dead. My thoughts are cut when I feel an electric shock run through my back. I scream in agony and fall to the ground. As I try to lay on my side, I see that it was Beverly that electrocuted me with her taser. My vision cuts, and I pass out. 

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