Chapter 18-Evil Incarnate

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Three Weeks Later

Elizabeth POV

After I came back from Minnesota, things were agitated between myself, Hannibal, and my father. Aside from that, working with Beverly has been great, but there is another perk: I have also been working with that guy I met a while back, Andrew Wolff. He is handsome, but he is very accomplished and has more goals that he still wants to achieve. Andy and I were coming back from a crime scene with Beverly when I hear my name being called from Dad's office. 

"Ms. Crawford, I'd like to see you in my office. Now."

I turn around and see the one person that Dad fears: Kade Prurnell. Kade Purnell was an investigator for the Office of the Inspector General and a total bitch. Let's say she is very nosy, and the very sight makes people think of different ways to kill her. Just looking at her now, I just thought of ten ways to dispose of her. It turns out that Alana Bloom had filed a report against my father and how he and Hannibal knew what they were getting into when they decided to put Will in hostile situations. As I walked in, I am offered a seat next to my father. He and I don't say anything to each other. Alana nods her head to me, and Kade starts reading the report. 

"According to Dr. Bloom, you were warned against putting someone with Will Graham's issues into the field," Kade states to my father. 

Alana and I look at Dad, and he replies to Kade, 

"Yes. That's correct." 

Kade is starting to shuffle the papers that were in front of her. She asks another question, 

"Were you aware that Dr. Bloom would be filing this report?"

Dad sighs and says, 

"Yes. She told me what she was going to do." 

Kade asks, 

"Did you advise her against it?"

Alana and I looked at Dad. His response sounded like that of a politician. 

"I told her that she should do whatever she felt necessary. Evidently, she felt it necessary to file a report." 

I felt like my heart was going to jump from my body and run for cover. 

Kade scoffs at Dad's remarks and says, 

"These are allegations of misconduct. It's damning stuff, Jack." 

Alana raises her voice slightly and interjects into the conversation. 

"I never stated anywhere that this was misconduct. In my opinion, it was a lapse of judgment." Alana states as she furrows her brow and stares at Kade. 

"A lapse in judgment is misconduct," Kade replies. 

Alana stares and says nothing. 

"There'll be an internal investigation," says Kade. 

Alana replies, 

"There should be." 

Kade slightly drops her pen on her desk and shifts her body to speak to Alana. If she is this low-key about what has occurred with Will, I can't wait to see what Dad had written about me in his report for punching Hannibal in the face at a crime scene. 

"A federal examiner is someone who arrives at a battlefield after the battle and bayonets the wounded. You have wounded Agent Crawford. Who do you think is gonna be getting the bayonet?"

None of us say anything until Kade offers a solution. 

"There is a general desire to see this go away quickly and quietly."

I can't believe this two-faced bitch. She wants Alana not to say a word about what had occurred with Will. I want to say something, but I dare not. Even this devil that stands in front of me is scary as hell. I wasn't even paying attention to what else Kade was asking of Alana. My heart felt uneasy. Was Purnell working with Hannibal? Was she his minion? Suddenly, I heard Alana say, 

"Will Graham's life has been destroyed. How that happened should be a matter of record. I'm sorry, Jack." Alana stated. I shake my head, disgusted with the fact that Alana felt the need to apologize to Jack. Both Kade and Jack looked at each other, not knowing what to say next.

Jack sighs and says, 

"Dr. Bloom is not easily swayed." 

I sigh in annoyance. Luckily, I got a text from Beverly. She needs my assistance with a corpse. I stand up and say, 

"As lovely a time I had watching you three perform this weird, cultish mating dance, I have other priorities on my mind, and this isn't one of them. If you need me, you know where to find me, Purnell.  Arrivederci." 

I threw a business card that I had made for myself on Kade's desk and walked out. I didn't have time to listen to the elementary problems and corruption deals that Kade and Jack were conducting. Right now, my focus is on my work with Beverly and a possible date with Andy. 

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