Chapter 9-Armed and Ready

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Elizabeth POV

Everyone at the FBI was scrambling. Phones were ringing off the hook, Dad was yelling at the people who were supposed to secure Abel's transfer, and I was still in a daze. Abel was lost, and I think Hannibal just threatened me. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but then again, he commented on my being adopted. My thoughts are interrupted when Dad tells me to go home. He makes no sense. You call me over, and then you ask me to go home? I then look at Dad and say, "Go home? Dad, please let me stay. I can help you out. I can-" "No! I can afford to have anything happen to you, and I can't help. Go home and stay there." I nod my head and grab my things. I head out of the glass door and look back. Dad seems that he has a handle on things, but I can't shake this gut feeling of something terrible. I head to the elevator and watch the doors slide as I place my father's life into the hands of incompetent agents and Hannibal. I know that I have to do something, so I do the one thing I never wanted to do: I call Freddie Lounds. I wait while the phone was ringing.

Well, well. Look who's calling.

Freddie, I need your help. Abel Gideon escaped custody, and I have to look for him. I'm sure you have friends that have their ears to the ground.

Yes, I do, but my services come at a price.

Goddamn it, what do you want? Blood?

No. I want to interview you about your life and how you have come so far in life without a birth mother and father's guidance. Do the interview, and I'll help you find Abel Gideon. 

Fine. I'll do your fucking interview. Let me know what you find. Goodbye.

I hang up with Freddie and immediately regret what I have to do for her to find Abel. I take a deep breath and walk back to my vehicle when I see Hannibal and Will talking. I pay no attention until Will and Hannibal begin to follow me to my car. As I am about to open the driver door, Will clears his throat and says to me, 

"Liz, when did you last speak to Abel Gideon?" 

I look at Will and say, 

"I think the last time I spoke to him was about a month ago, I think. I can't remember. Is something wrong?" Both he and Hannibal look at each other and say nothing. Maybe they already knew that I was lying to them. After all, it isn't any of their business. No one says anything, and it created an awkward silence. Great, these two assholes have their language now. I then break the silence and announce, 

 "Well, if you two gentlemen don't mind, I have to get back home since Dad insists I'll be a burden if I stay here. See you guys later."

As I open my door, Hannibal shuts my door. He places all of his weight on the car door, preventing me from opening the door. 

"We're not done yet." Hannibal hissed. 

I use whatever strength I had and yank my door back, even with Hannibal's weight on the car door. 

"Yes, we are." I hissed back. 

I throw my things in the car and place myself in the driver's seat. I lock the doors and put my seatbelt on. I turn the vehicle on and begin to back out of the parking space, and I drive off. I can see Hannibal is still glaring at the car, and Will already went up the stairs to the building. I can't handle Hannibal at this point. My main focus is finding Abel Gideon and bringing him back. Maybe by doing this task, I can prove to my Dad that I have what it takes. 

An Hour Later

I arrive home to change into a black short-sleeve shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. I place my holster on my hip and place my Beretta M9 in the holster. I even wear the F.B.I. windbreaker that Dad made gotten for me a year ago. In me, preparing for a confrontation with Abel is almost like preparing for battle. As I finish placing my hair in a ponytail, I hear my phone ringing. I look and see it's Freddie Lounds. 


I have a lead. I have an interview with Paul Carruthers.

Paul Carruthers. The name rings a bell. Isn't he one of Chilton's former therapists?

Yes! I need you to be here so we can ask questions. I'd do it, but I'm too fragile, and you're more...masculine, so he'd give you the answers for sure. 

Fuck you, Lounds. Text me the address, and I'll be there soon. 


I get the address mapped on my phone and head down to the car. I know that I should notify Dad or someone what is going on, but I can't risk it. I begin my trip to Carruther's office. The office is a little far from my home, but I know several shortcuts, and I suddenly run into traffic as I enter the freeway. 

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" I yell to myself. I call Freddie to let her know what is going. 

Hey Lounds, there's traffic, and I might be late. Just stay in your car, and I'll let you know what I'm close. 

Fredrica can't come to the phone right now. Her tongue is a little tied up at the moment. May I take a message, my darling?

Gideon. What have you done to her?!

Restrain yourself, my dear. Your temper might be the cause of her death. Listen carefully and listen well. You are NOT going to alert your precious daddy or precious Will Graham. Meet me at the Observatory and be alone. Otherwise, I will slit Freddie's throat and bathe in her blood. I have so many surprises for you. Goodbye, my darling. 

The phone clicked. I gasped softly. Gideon has Freddie. Despite how much I hate her guts, I have to save her. I look to see if I can drive through the shoulder of the freeway, and I do. I can hear the car horns honking at me to stop, but I can't. I can't have Freddie's death be on my conscience. Tears fall from my face. I am scared. I was scared for myself, Freddie, and having to confront Abel Gideon. 

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