Chapter 24-Trial and Error

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A Month Later

Will's trial was today. I woke up early at 6:25 in the morning to start getting ready. I laid out the suit I would wear, and I jumped in the shower. After I finished drying my hair, I placed my hair in a tight bun to make my hair seem naturally curly. I then go and try on my suit, grab my purse, and head to the car. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:00 already. 

Chilton was going to the trial too, but he would leave later since court started at 11:25 am

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Chilton was going to the trial too, but he would leave later since court started at 11:25 am. I decide to drive to a Starbucks to get my caffeine rush for the morning. I know coffee is terrible for your health, but it's not like I drink it every waking moment. I had been preparing with Will for a month about what would occur with the trial and how we would approach this with kid gloves. My phone started to chime. Andy was texting me; he wished me good luck and would meet me later in the evening. I smiled and thanked God that I had Andy in my life. I sat in the car for a while, looking at the notes that I took alongside Will and other people who could verify that it wasn't Will who voluntarily went insane, but it was Jack who pushed Will over the precipice. People were coming in droves, the victims' families, and the media. Everyone wanted to see Will pay for his crimes, which was utter bullshit. I took a deep breath, and I stepped out of the car. I rushed past the media and others with no trouble. I then head for the elevators and shut the doors. I lay against the elevator wall to take a breath and relax. The doors opened on the fourth floor. I walked out, and I could see more media. I tried to slip past the guards, but I was asked to go through the body scanners. Nothing came out wrong except in my purse, where they saw that I had a metal hair clip. After searching my bag, they sent me away and began to search for the next person. I headed into the courtroom and sat down. I sat on the left side, behind Will.

I wanted to comfort him, but he was in shackles, and I didn't want to cause a scene. The court was now starting. The prosecution team started their arguments. With no choice, Will has to listen to the prosecutor lay out the charges against him, ticking off the names of his alleged victims while showing pictures of their death scenes. The first victim, Cassie Boyle, impaled on antlers in a field; Marissa Schurr impaled on a wall of antlers in Garrett Jacob Hobbs' hunting cabin; and finally, Georgia Madchen, who was burned alive in an oxygen chamber in the hospital. All of the pictures that were being shown were gruesome. My heart and body were trembling softly.

I felt sick. I had to leave the courtroom. As I was going, I saw Hannibal in one of the rows. He wasn't bothered with these photos, almost as if he didn't care. Hannibal briefly looked in my direction and smirked. I ignored him as best as I could and walked out quietly. I needed air. As I sat on one of the hallway benches, I gathered my thoughts. My mind was slowing down, and I was able to concentrate. Will is innocent of these crimes, but I need more proof. My thoughts were interrupted when I looked up. I could see Jack pacing up and down the hallway. I also could see the devil herself, Kade Purnell, walking towards Jack out of the corner. I had to know what was being said. I have to get close.

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