Chapter 26-An Earful of Lies

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Elizabeth POV

I went to go and grab a bite to eat at a small sandwich stand close to the courthouse. Recess was only 30 minutes, so I needed something quick. I sat at a bench and finished my lunch. One of the things that I am grateful for is that I enjoy people-watching. I know. That sounds creepy, but if there is one thing that my mother and father taught me: it's obtaining the ability to understand human behavior. What I didn't anticipate was how my abilities would be sorely tested. After eating my sandwich, I leave the bench I was on and head back to the courthouse. I see a slew of police cars, SWAT, FBI crime lab, and cadaver dogs as I approach the courthouse. I tried my best to get inside, but the FBI stopped me. Fortunately, Jimmy saw me and asked that I  pass through. Jimmy then tells me that an ear was delivered to Will's attorney and fell out of a package. I was so shocked that I was speechless. Jimmy then told me to wait by the courtroom door, and he would allow me to look at the photos later. I waited patiently, and out of my eye, I saw Jack. He doesn't approach me or say anything. I then receive a text from Beverly, telling me to drive back to the lab. She called for both me and Andy. I moved over to Jimmy to tell him I was leaving. I rush as fast as possible to my car without being bombarded by reporters or cops. As I am heading to my car, my phone rings again. It was a collect call from the Baltimore State Hospital. Only one person would be calling me from this location. 

"Belle, my darling. How's Will doing? I promised to call to check on him and you, naturally." 

"Hello, Abel. The trial has been placed on hold for now. Someone sent an ear in a file packet to Will and his attorney."

Abel gasps. He then begins to chuckle. 

"That's funny. Was there a letter from Van Gogh as well?" 

I chuckled and replied, 

"No. There was no letter. I was just called back to the lab. If you're patient and take your meds, I can come over later and spill the beans."

Abel paused. He then replies with, 

" I'll be waiting. Ciao, my dear."

"Goodbye, Abel."

I hung up the phone and proceeded to drive back to the lab. As I was going, thoughts began to pour into my mind. It was very convenient that someone drops an ear to hint that Will is indeed innocent of these crimes. Usually, I would be happy that Will could be acquitted, but there was something suspicious about the situation. I park in my usual spot at the Bureau and head inside. After getting into the elevator, I gathered my thoughts concerning what I would be looking at. As I got to my destination, the elevator doors opened, and there was Andy, waiting for me. I smiled softly and walked towards him. Andy greeted me with a hug and a kiss. I feel so happy when I see him. 

"How was court?" Andy asks me. 

I respond with, 

"It was riveting stuff. I almost applauded Jack's entire performance. I might make him a fake Oscar and leave it at his desk."

Andy and I walk into Beverly's lab. We set our bags down and changed into lab coats. Then, Beverly asked us to run some tests and label some samples. An hour passed, and Jimmy walked into the lab with Brian, Jack, and Hannibal in tow. I look at Andy, and Andy glances at me. We walk up together and listen to what the gang has to say. It was all science-talk until Jimmy says, 

"So. You and Andy, huh?"

I look at Jimmy and say, 

"Hey, let's talk business first, and then I'll tell you. Besides, what the hell is it to you anyway?"

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