Chapter 52-Ready or Not

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Elizabeth POV

Dad wanted to arrest Hannibal now. I knew Hannibal wasn't going to go down without a fight. While Dad went to prepare for the arrest with warrants, I went to prepare for the mental warfare. I went to a church for the first time in a long time. My parents and I are what we consider to be "seasonal Catholics", which means that we only go to Church on the important days, such as Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Easter. As an added measure, we even help with a Catholic foundation to help feed the homeless. After leaving Dad at the Bureau, I headed to a small church that was not that far. As I parked in the empty lot, I got out of the car and walked towards the doors. As I walked in, the smell of incense was intense. It overcame my senses. I went towards one of the pews and sat down. The church was quiet. It was just me and my thoughts that were in attendance. I placed my head down in my hands. It was then that I started to cry. These tears were for all the hell that I went through this past year. What didn't phase me was that while in the beginning, I never would've suspected Hannibal being involved in anything. I was scared to go against someone like Hannibal, but it never stopped me before from verbally or physically attacking him. Finally, I said out loud to myself,

"I don't know if you are real, but if you are, I need your protection, Lord. Soon, my father and I will be going against a horrible human being. I know for certain that he won't go down without a fight. I've gone against some despicable people, but he is the worst. I know this will be challenging, but if you can, please see that my father, myself, and Andrew are protected when the time comes to obtain this villain. Please, God. Protect my family."

I could feel tears falling down my face as I got back up from kneeling in the pew. As I wiped my tears, I could hear the front door closing. I turned to see who was there in the room. There wasn't anyone there. Did someone hear my cry to God? I then decided to leave. I left that church with a clean slate and conscious that whatever I had to do would be in the name of justice. I need to find closure for all the victims of Hannibal.

A Few Days Later

Kade Purnell gave the official the go-ahead to arrest Hannibal. I was with Andrew when I received word from Dad. At this point, Hannibal was fair game to any of us. For me, it was open season, and he would be hunted. Dad strategized that it would be better if he were to make the arrest and have Andrew and me on standby in case anything goes wrong. We would be close by. Andrew tells me he must do one last thing before we leave, so he drives away in his car. I follow Dad in my car and head back home. I know what must be done: say goodbye to Mom. Dad went to talk to Mom first. I waited outside the bedroom door. My body was shaky and cold. I could feel my heart beating fast and irregularly. Finally, Dad came out of the bedroom, wiping his tears, as he headed downstairs. I see Mom lying in her bed, smiling at me.

"Come here, sweetheart," Mom says with her arms extending to me.

I walked over to my Mom, and as I hugged her, the tears began to flow from my eyes.

"Mom, I'm scared. I don't want to die." I whisper.

I could feel Mom kissing my forehead and she grabbed my face with both hands.

"I know that you believe in fighting for what's right, and I don't ever want you to give up that belief. Just be strong and think of all the times we had together. I just want you to know that despite you being adopted, you were meant to be mine, and I know that I did a damn good job raising you. And I guess your dad helped, too."

"Great time to tell me I'm adopted, Mom."

Both Mom and I giggled. I kissed her on her cheek, and I walked away. I turned to look at her. What had felt like the last time?

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