Chapter 39-Dance With The Devil

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Elizabeth POV
"E-Excuse me?" I ask.

Hannibal walks up to me and asks,

"Will you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

As much as I want to scream the word 'no' and run away, this opportunity presented to me is an excellent distraction for Andrew to walk away and snoop around Hannibal's home. I take Hannibal's hand, and he leads me to the dance floor. The crowd parted as Hannibal, and I walked through. I could feel the warmth but yet the cold hand of Hannibal. My body was telling me to run away, but there was no way for me to escape. Then, Hannibal and I stopped. He pulls me close and places his left hand on my waist while his right-hand hold mine. The orchestra began to play an eerie and deep melody.

It was a semi-fast song. The music starts to play, and we begin to dance. Hannibal was smooth with his dancing. I hate to admit it, but he was a fantastic dancer.

"You dance beautifully. Did Phyllis teach you?" Hannibal asks me.

"Yes, she did. And she sent me to dancing school during the summers as a child. She wanted me to be a-"

"A well-rounded child. Every parent wants that for their children. Every parent wants their child to be cultured."

Hannibal then looks at me. His eyes are like nails piercing my heart and soul. Hannibal then says to me,

"Elizabeth, may I say how beautiful you look tonight?"

I gulped softly and then replied,

"Thank you, Dr. Lecter. You look handsome as well."

Hannibal smirked.

"Wow. That is a real compliment from you. Thank you."

The music begins to pick up. Hannibal is twirling me around. I felt so dizzy that I want to faint, but Hannibal holds me closer to him. Hannibal then says,

"What you're doing won't help save Will. Did you think I wouldn't see through your facade? You came here with the intention of looking for something. Tell me, my sweet Elizabeth. Tell me what you thought you could find. You and Andrew came tonight with devious intentions. Tell me, my darling, what did you plan on trying to achieve here tonight?"

I tried to break free from Hannibal, but he gripped my waist tighter. My breathing began to fasten. Hannibal inched closer to my face. I could feel his cool and minty breath on my face.

"Pray tell me, my dear Elizabeth. Did you come here solely to look for evidence like your father, or did you finally come here to succumb to me? Just like your family and friends, all have been enchanted. Only you refuse to view my world with rose-colored glasses. Submit to me, and you'll have the world at your feet. Let me guide you. Let me have you under my spell."

The song ended, and Hannibal dipped me backward. The audience clapped loudly. Hannibal lifted me and then said to me,

"You have no idea what you have awakened and angered in me, my beloved. Soon, my love. Soon."

Hannibal then kissed my forehead and walked away. I was left in a stuttering mess. He knew. He knew that I was onto him, and so was Jack. I need to leave immediately. I searched for Andrew and Jack, but they weren't there. I then tried to call Andrew's and Jack's phones, but they went to voicemail. I even tried Chilton's phone, but he wasn't answering either. The three people that I needed were gone. I was alone, and I needed to leave. I rush outside and start walking away. I then called a taxi, but the services were closed. I began to walk. As I started for the road, I saw bright headlights shining on me. I move toward the side and hear the window being lowered.

"Hello, Elizabeth."

It was Hannibal. The last person that I would ever want to give me a ride.

"I saw you leave abruptly, and your ride left you stranded. May I offer you a lift back home?"

I sigh heavily and say,

"No, I'd rather risk my chances of being mauled by an animal. Thank you, however."

Hannibal smiled and said to me,

"If you walk in those heels, you'll complain for days. I promise that I'll take you home. Nothing else."

I could hear the thunder crashing and the faint drops of rain falling on my skin and face. I sigh annoyingly and get in Hannibal's car. Before I get in the car, I press the record button on my phone, and I stick my phone on the floor. Hannibal begins to drive. Hannibal had the radio on, playing a dedication to Bach. It was quiet for a while until Hannibal turned off the radio.

"Is there anything you have to say for yourself?"

"I don't know what you are implying."

Hannibal chuckles and says,

"You wouldn't have been at my house without a definitive cause. Why did you show up? What were you looking for?"

I silently gulp and say,

"I want to put the past behind us. I will no longer acknowledge anything and everything you have done to me. I'm ready to forgive everything you have done to me."

Hannibal chuckles softly and says,

"The few times I intimidated you, you allowed it to go to your head. Elizabeth, there's something about you that haunts me. Every time I'm near you, you awaken something in me. Your face haunts me. It-"

"Dr. Lecter, whatever you have to say doesn't matter. I'm sure you have some wonderful poetic phrase you want to tell me, but you don't need to."

I started shivering. The sight of the rain gave me chills. Hannibal came to a stop and took his coat off.

"Put my coat on, Elizabeth. At least until we arrive at your home."

I place the coat on my shoulders, and Hannibal raises the heat in his car.

"Thank you, Hannibal."

"You're welcome, Elizabeth."

I immediately began to doze off. The car was so comfortable and warm that I couldn't help myself. Before I fully dozed off, I could feel Hannibal's hand rub softly against my cheek.

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