Chapter 53-I Am Born

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Elizabeth POV

"What did you say?" I asked, with anger in my voice.

"I am your real father," Hannibal says in a husky voice.

I stagger back, my head shaking in vehement denial. This statement couldn't be true. Hannibal, my father? It was inconceivable!

"I don't fucking believe you." I sneer.

Hannibal chuckles and says to me,

"You were born in Florence, Italy, on December 7th, 1997. You were dropped off at the Basilica di San Lorenzo, wrapped in a peach blanket with a note pinned to the blanket and a small stuffed animal of a cat; you have a small birthmark in the shape of a circle on your shoulder. Trust me, I am your father."

He was right. Everything he said was true. But he couldn't find that out from Dad or Jack. I don't even know what to call him anymore.

"I don't fucking believe you. You could've gotten that information from Da-Jack-Ugh! Goddamn you! You're fucking lying to me!"

Hannibal began walking towards me, smiling. He looked deranged. Though he was bleeding, he was still able to hold himself well.

"When I first met you, I knew there was something about us that couldn't be denied. Something so strong, it couldn't be broken. Then, when Jack told me where you were found and what year, I had to make sure. That night, when I picked you up from the side of the road and you fell asleep, I took some of your hair. The night Abel Gideon stabbed you, I was there to gather blood. Your blood. When I found the truth, I had to get close to you. You rejected me, I understand. That night when we danced, I knew then, no matter what, I'd make you believe in my cause."

A single tear fell down from my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I followed you. To the church. I heard your prayers. When I saw you, I wanted to hold you. I was so close to you that I could've touched you. It's such a shame that I have to kill you like this."

I stared at Hannibal in utter disbelief. Since Abel Gideon kidnapped me, he's been suspicious?

"When did you officially find out?" I ask.

"When Chilton was arrested. That was when I got the results."

My heart dropped.

This new information made me angrier. I yelled in disbelief and took another swing at Hannibal. Hannibal dodged my hit, but my anger clouded my judgment; it made me vulnerable.

"Hold still, you son of a bitch!" I yelled.

Hannibal grabs my hand and turns me around. He brings me closer to his body and tightens his grip on me.

"Let go of me! Let go!" I yell.

Hannibal brings my body closer to his and starts to drag me over to the counter. I try to break away, but Hannibal's grip is too firm.

"I warned you, Elizabeth. I always told you that you belong to me, and now, I'll make it official. No matter what, you'll always have something of mine."

Hannibal then grabs a kitchen knife and holds it to my throat. I stop struggling. In an instant, I could see my life flashing before my eyes, from infancy to now. The years I passed me like a flash of thunder. I didn't want to beg for my life, but I had no choice. Tears flowed from my eyes as I was begging.

"Hannibal, please. I swear I'll walk away. No retaliation, no repercussions. Just let me walk away with Dad. Please."

Hannibal doesn't say anything. Hannibal wipes my tears and smirks.

"Begging doesn't suit you. Now, stop interrupting me. You'll ruin my markings."

My face scrunches into a puzzled look.

"What mark-AHHHH!!!!!!"

Hannibal stabs me in the back and drags the knife downwards. Hannibal then sinks his teeth into my neck.

"Stop! Hannibal, STOP!!"

Suddenly, someone grabs Hannibal off me. It's Andrew. As Andrew tries to grab me so we can run, Hannibal is too quick. He slashes Andrew's throat and kicks him in the chest. Andrew is desperate to hold on to his wounds. Hannibal returns his attention to me. Grabbing me with brute force, Hannibal sinks his teeth into my neck again. It was a struggle that felt endless. I couldn't feel the pain because I was fighting for my life. I was bleeding, aching, and wishing for death. I had to escape with Andrew, Dad, and save Alana. Finally, Hannibal stopped. He takes his teeth away from my neck. He drew blood.

"I knew your blood would taste sweet," Hannibal commented.

Finally, the pain began to kick in. Groans were escaping my mouth. I tried not to show Hannibal the pain that I was in, but my pain betrayed me.

"It's funny seeing you like this. The pain must be excruciating."

Hannibal grabbed my hair by twisting it. He then brought me close to his face. He and I looked into a stare. I could see the resemblance. I could see my reflection in his eyes. This wasn't going to end well for me.

"I will give you one chance. One chance. Join me, my dear. You and I will have the world in the palm of our hands. You and I, side by side, can conquer the whole world. Nothing can stop us, and no one will stand in our way. Join me. Please."

Hannibal held me close to him. Every fiber in my body wanted to say yes. I wanted to say yes because I felt like I was home for the first time in a long time. His silky voice welcomed my quirks and eccentricities. At that moment, I wanted to say yes, but after everything this man, this monster, has put me through, I wouldn't help him even if he offered me immortality. It was then that I did something that I wasn't proud of.

"I feel so weak, Hannibal. Please set me down."

Hannibal kept looking at me, not falling for my trick-Hannibal relents, carrying me in his arms. Then, I wrapped my arms around Hannibal's neck and rested my head on his shoulders. I don't know where Hannibal would take me, but I knew I had to act quickly. Using my right hand, I reached towards my left arm and grabbed the hidden blade in my bracelet. I then stabbed Hannibal at the top of his spine and bit him in the neck, the same way he did to me. Hannibal yells in agony and throws me against the wall. Our fight continued to the hall. We kept throwing fists, kicks, and throwing each other into the wall. Paintings were falling off the wall, statues were being used as weapons, and I even tried to use a food tray as a shield. With every ounce of heart and soul, I was fighting this demon to stay alive. After what seemed like hours, Hannibal finally pinned me to the wall. I was too weak and tired to fight him, but I had no choice. I headbutted Hannibal and used an uppercut punch to knock Hannibal out. No matter what I dish out, Hannibal can stand against me.

"I'll take that as a no to my offer. I hope that when the time comes, you'll change your mind."

"I'll never change my mind. I don't care how long it takes; I will kill you. I will kill you with my hands. I want to watch the life leave your eyes as I choke the ever-living fuck out of you!"

It was then that Hannibal and I charged at each other. I felt weak at that moment. I was losing blood and fast. Hannibal finally grabbed me and held a knife to my throat.

"I thought we'd be riding in the sun together. Until we meet again, my dear."

Hannibal kisses my cheek and stabs me in the stomach, and he then drags the knife to my side. I could hear the blood gurgling as I struggled to breathe. I felt my body become limp, and I fell to the ground. My breathing became raspy, and my heart slowed down. I could see Hannibal walking away from me. In the distance, I could see a girl with Will. I tried to call Will for help, but my voice betrayed me; I couldn't speak. My eyes were shutting. I could feel myself dying.

"Mom, where are you?" I whispered.

Finally, everything went black.

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