Chapter 7-Visitation

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Elizabeth POV 

A week had passed since my incident with Abel Gideon, and since then, I have tried to place the event on the back burner. We had a new case that was given to us. A man had one of his organs taken out of his body. He was found in a hotel bathtub, dead. Will looked a little shaken up from his analysis of the crime scene. I took notes and watched interactions between officers, Will, crime scene investigators, and even how Dad analyzed the location and debated if the Chesapeake Ripper had struck again. The Chesapeake Ripper wasn't a name I was familiar with, but Dad has been investigating him for a while now. Dad turns to me and says, 

"Last week, when we were at the hospital, where did you go?" 

I put away my notes and said, "I went to go outside. Mental hospitals give me the creeps." Dad chuckled and walked closer to me. 

"Bullshit. You saw Abel Gideon, didn't you?" I stare directly at Dad, replying with, 

"I may have walked over to him, but nothing happened." 

Dad pulled out his phone and played a video. It was Abel, talking with Alana, and he kept repeating the sentence, 

"When is Elizabeth coming back? I miss her. When is Elizabeth coming back? I miss her." 

I looked down at my shoes and said nothing. 

"The answer isn't going to come from those expensive shoes, Elizabeth," 

Dad says to me. I look at him and say, 

"He and I might've spoken, but nothing came from it." 

Dad puts his phone away and says, "Bullcrap. You need to understand that if someone like Abel Gideon gets under your skin, you will go crazy. You don't need that at all. Stay away from Abel Gideon. I mean it." 

Dad walked away from me. I roll my eyes and head outside to join the rest of the agents. 

Two Days Later 

After a series of follow-ups and leads, we finally had a suspect. My father was punishing me, and I had to stay at the office. I didn't care. I had to work on a paper anyway. I took my things and headed to my car when I saw everyone leaving. I saw Dad appearing chummy with Hannibal. Both of them went in the same vehicle. I rolled my eyes and slammed my door as soon as I got in the car. I drive off even though I can hear my Dad honking at me. I drive away and head towards the one place I know would upset Dad: the asylum. I know right now you're thinking, 

"Why the hell are you disobeying orders?" 

This is my reasoning: Dad thinks that I can't handle anything. He believes that I am too emotional. He even recommends that I see Hannibal for a while. Fuck that shit. As I contemplated my life choices, I got a phone call from my Mom. 

Hey Mom. What's up?

Hi sweetheart, I just called to tell you that we were invited to Hannibal's dinner place. He plans on making exquisite cuisine, so I wondered if you would be joining us. 

No, Mom. Beverly asked me to join her for a Girl's Night. I won't be able to. 

Oh, okay. Well, maybe next time. Be careful tonight. See you later. Love you. 

Love you too, Mom. Bye. 

I can't believe my mother. Both her and my father have fallen under Hannibal's spell. I pull into the asylum and park my car. I walked up the steps, knowing that I could get in trouble with my father, but I needed to make a point. I walked in, check-in with the front desk, and soon enough, I was led by an orderly to see Abel. As I walked through the hallway, I could hear the patients groaning and crying in pain; others were screaming and banging on the cell bars. Soon, I was in front of Abel Gideon. He wasn't chained like the last time. Abel looks at me, and a smile appears on his face. 

"Hello, Ms. Crawford." 

I smirk and say, "Hello, Dr. Gideon."

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