Chapter 29-Truth Will Out

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Elizabeth POV

Two days had passed since my little 'scare.' I never told Andy what Hannibal had said to me before leaving the hospital. I didn't want to worry Andy more, and I didn't want him to change his mind about pursuing Hannibal. I will need all the help I need, and I can't afford to lose Andy now. So far, I have him and Beverly on my side in pursuing Hannibal. I was sitting in bed, working on some schoolwork. I am surprised that I have not missed a single due date with the crap I've gone through. Suddenly, I received a text from Andy, asking me if it was okay that he could visit me. I give him the okay. A few minutes later, Andy knocks at my door, holding two bags from Burger King and two medium drinks. 

"I know. It's not the best date we've had, but I figured you would be hungry, so I stopped to get something." 

I smiled and kissed Andy on the cheek. 

"I don't care if it's filet mignon or ramen; I'd be happy with you anyway."

Andy and I went to the table and began to eat our meals. Andy sighs and says, 

"How are you feeling today?" 

I sigh softly and reply, 

"I feel fine. I don't know why I passed out. I'm especially disgusted that I passed out and Hannibal had to catch me in his arms. I wonder what went through his mind."

Andy chuckles and says, 

"He probably thought you were doing it for attention."

I playfully threw a french fry at Andy, and he laughed.

"No, I genuinely felt sick, and he was there. Look, all I know is that I hope that never happens again, and I'm glad that Alana is testifying on Will's behalf instead of Hannibal. Maybe his cologne made me ill." I chuckled. 

Andy looked uneasy, like he wanted to tell me something but was unsure. 

"What's wrong, Andy?" I ask. 

Andy sighs and places his drink down on the table. 

"I wanted to let you know before we go back tomorrow. Hannibal is testifying on Alana's behalf tomorrow. Alana was deemed too close to Will, and now, Hannibal has to testify. I don't know what will be said but remember, you have to be calm when he starts talking about his relationship with Will." 

I sigh heavily, rub my forehead, and shake my head in agreement. Andy and I say nothing else. I'm glad Andy told me about tomorrow; otherwise, I would've passed out again. 

The Next Day

The courtroom felt tense and thick. My heart was pounding hard. Hannibal's testimony was a ride-or-die situation. I was deathly scared of what Hannibal was going to say about Will. Hannibal then walks in and struts towards the stand. He places his hand on the Bible and repeats the oath. I'm surprised he didn't burn up when he touched the Bible. As a stress relief, I held onto a red pen to grip on if I was going to be upset. I also didn't want to break Andy's hand. Leonard Brauner, Will's attorney, walks up to Hannibal and says, 

"Good morning, Doctor. Please describe your relationship with Will Graham." 

"I was asked by Jack Crawford to monitor Will's emotional well-being while he worked on cases. I was never officially his psychiatrist." 

Leonard then asks, 

"If you weren't his psychiatrist, what were you?"

Hannibal then says, 

"I was meant to be his stability. I failed him in that."

Leonard asks, 

"How did you fail him?"

"I was unable to determine if Will's condition was due to mental illness or stress from his work at the FBI. My mistake was never considering his innocence until the murder of a bailiff from this courthouse."

Everyone turned to see Hannibal and stared at him as if he was levitating in the air. 

"And how did you know about that, Dr. Lecter?" Leonard asks

Hannibal replies calmy,

"I have been asked to consult on the case by Jack Crawford. He wanted a profile of the bailiff's killer."

Leonard then asks, 

"So, you believe the bailiff's murder was committed by the same person guilty of Will Graham's alleged crimes, yes?"

Hannibal then says, 

"Profiles aren't evidence; they're opinion."

Vega quickly stands up and announces, 

"This is hearsay."

The judge dismisses her and says, 

"I will allow it."

Leonard says, 

"Thank you, Your Honor."

Hannibal finishes his thought.

"I believe there are alarming similarities in the crimes, yes."

Leonard then drops the bomb on Hannibal and says, 

"Will Graham accused you of the crimes for which he now stands trial, and yet here you are, testifying on his behalf for the defense." 

Hannibal looks at Will and says, 

"Will rightfully couldn't accept these actions to be his. A mind faced with the possibility of committing such deeds will find an alternative reality to believe in." 

Leonard asks, 

"You don't blame him for that?"

"No. Will Graham is and will always be my friend." 

I heard a snap, and I looked down. I broke the red pen, and the red ink was all over my right hand. Andy hands me a tissue to clean the ink, but it doesn't do any good. I do my best to hold my hand still, so I don't make a mess. Vega then takes her turn to grill Hannibal.

"Dr. Lecter, what was the cause of death in the bailiff's murder?" 

Hannibal calmly answers, 

"A bullet to the heart." 

Vega then says, 

"Mm. And in Will Graham's victims or alleged victims, what was their cause of death?" 

Hannibal says, 


Vega scoffs and says, 

"That's very different from a bullet." 

Hannibal replies to Vega and says, 

"No two crimes are of any killer are going to be exactly the same. The similarities-"

Vega interrupts Hannibal and says, 

"Your Honor, the witness's personal beliefs and biases are driving his conclusions. There are clearly two different killers and two different cases!"

Leonard then stands up and says, 

"Your Honor, there are sufficient similarities to consider this a defense." 

The judge then says, 

"I'm ruling this defense inadmissible, Mr. Brauer."

Vega then says, 

"Thank you, Your Honor."

Hannibal looks down at his hands as the judge says, 

"All previous testimony on the matter will be stricken from the record." 

I stared at Hannibal, who was then staring at Will. I couldn't believe it. Even Hannibal's silver tongue was cut off in court. The court was soon dismissed and we went home. I wanted to stay, but I was tired, and tomorrow was another day of testimony. I have to wake up early tomorrow. 

The Next Day 

It was 5:30 in the morning when my phone went off like crazy. I looked at my phone, and it was Jack. 

"Hello?" I answer groggily. 

"Liz, you need to get over to the courthouse. Judge Davis has been killed."

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