Chapter 37-Change of Plans

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Elizabeth POV

I immediately took the USB and the envelope that was left for me. I looked in the closet behind the desk and saw that Bev had left me another matching jacket she would wear. I remember she always had two leather jackets just in case one would be ruined. I place the jacket on my body and walk toward Jimmy and Brian's office.

"Elizabeth, you're not supposed to be here. You're not allowed to come back until next week." Jimmy says.

"Forget that shit. Did you ever find anything else at the Observatory where Beverly's body was found?" I ask sternly.

Jimmy then looks through his computer and says,

"Yea, we found the Glock 17 she was carrying and her items, like her keys, wallet, and lipstick. Why are you asking?"

Not wanting to reveal anything in case Jimmy or Brian is close to Hannibal, I then say,

"I thought there might have been fingerprints or blood on any collected items. Jack doesn't want me anywhere near the case, so it's not like I can check myself."

Jimmy then says to me,

"There are other ways to enter the system, but I can help when you return next week. Speaking of returns, Hannibal is hosting a party tomorrow at his home. Several of us were invited, including Jack. Are you and Andrew attending?"

"Yes, we'll be attending. I guess I have some last-minute shopping to do today."

Later That Day

"What changed your mind about attending Hannibal's party?" Andrew asks me after shopping for my dress. After shopping for something for Andrew and me, we stopped at a pizza place close to the mall. We were almost done with our meal.

"Well, I guess with both of us surviving a near-death experience, it's only a matter of time before we have no choice but to be amicable. Jack's opinion of Hannibal will never change. For God's sake, he saved Hannibal before giving me a second thought."

Andrew kept staring at me.

"Why do you keep looking at me? Did I say something wrong?" I ask.

Andrew sighs and says,

"I feel like you're hiding something from me. You've been so distracted since the incident with Matthew Brown and Hannibal. I've never really asked you if you were doing okay. Are you doing okay?"

This is the first time that I want to unload everything. There are things that I never told Andrew that occurred between Hannibal and me. I never told him about the incident at the hospital when Jack shot Will or Hannibal cornered me in the elevator. There was even a time when Hannibal cornered me after Beverly did a DNA swab on Hannibal. I kept it bottled up so I wouldn't show weakness.

"No, I'm okay, Andrew. I've been so miserable with Mom, her denying chemotherapy, the suicide attempt, Jack being a clueless moron, and now Beverly is dead. I feel so hopeless. I wish I could be helpful."

Andrew grabs my hand softly and says,

"You are. You've gone to the appointments, you've been at the hospital, sleeping in those uncomfortable cots they have, and you've been a fantastic daughter."

I sigh and look at Andrew. He's been so understanding and caring with me. This man deserves all the prizes for the amount of patience he has for me and my antics.

"I don't deserve you at all, Andrew. You have the patience of a saint, and I love you for it."

"I will always love you, no matter what," Andrew tells me.

Andrew pulls me gently towards him and kisses me. His kisses are soft and loving. He makes me feel like I am the only thing that matters. My problems melt away when I am with Andrew, and I always want to stay with him. He makes me feel complete, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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