Chapter 16-Will Vs. Hannibal

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Elizabeth POV

The plane finally touched down after two and a half hours of being up in the air. The passengers were asked to place their belts on as the plane touched down. The aircraft skidded a little, but nothing scary. I gather my bag from the overhead carriage and head out of the plane. As I entered the airport, I head over to the nearest Starbucks and grab myself a large mocha frappe. I know that it was only a two-hour flight, but I needed the coffee. I then head to the airport entrance and head to one of the car rental locations. There were several options, but I decided to go with a GMC. 

The car is very spacious for me, and it is a low price for only $80 a day

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The car is very spacious for me, and it is a low price for only $80 a day. I then drive to the address of the Hobbs family and see if Hannibal and Will are here. As I begin to approach the Hobbs residence, I get a text from Beverly Katz and Freddie Lounds. Beverly tells me that my idea of rushing to save Will, even though he is a criminal, is dumb, while Freddie asks me if I heard what had happened with Will. I ignore their texts and focus on the task on hand. I drive slowly and park in a shady place, so I am not spotted easily. I feel sleepy, and I can't stop yawning. I decide to listen to the radio so that way I don't fall asleep quickly. 

An Hour Later

After listening to the local 80's radio station, I turn the radio off. I try to keep an eye on any car that drives up. Suddenly, I see what looks like a 2009 Bently Arnage driving up towards the Hobbs residence. The only person I know that drives that car is Hannibal. Sure enough, Hannibal and Will step out of the car and walk up to the house. I don't have a weapon on me since I know that Will won't do anything stupid, and Hannibal is too much of a wuss to fight me. I wait patiently by the car as I see both men walking into the house. I take a breath and head out of the vehicle. I then walk slowly, trying not to break any loose branches or make a lot of noise. The sliding door was slightly open, so I enter the house. The house smelled a little musty since no one had been here. I can't hear what Hannibal or Will are saying, so I have to move closer. I try not to make as much noise. As I get closer to them, I can finally hear clearly. 

"I'm not so sure that I know who you are anymore. But I am certain one of us killed Abigail." Will says to Hannibal. 

"Whoever that was killed the others," Hannibal replied. 

I step into view, and I can see that Will is holding a gun to Hannibal. As much as I want Will to shoot Hannibal in the face, I have to intervene.

"Will!" I shout. 

Will and Hannibal turn to look at me as I step into view. I have both of my hands up in the air to show Will that I don't have a weapon on me. I walk over to Will, altogether avoiding Hannibal. 

"Are you a killer, Will?" Hannibal asks. 

I'm trying to comfort Will, but his eyes are deadset on Hannibal. Hannibal keeps on talking to Will as if he was trying to torment him. 

"You, right now, this man standing in front of me. Is this who you really are?" 

I want to say something, but I am horrified about what I am seeing happening right now. 

"I am who I've always been. The scales have just fallen from my eyes. I can see you now." Will says in a trembling voice.

"Will, what are you talking about? Talk to me, Will. Please." I beg. I look back at Hannibal and then back to Will. 

Hannibal then asks, 

"What do you see?" 

Will takes a breath, and after glancing at me, he then states to Hannibal, 

"You called here that morning. Abigail knew. And you kept her secrets until...until what? Until she found out some of yours?" 

Hannibal tries to divert from the conversation.

"You said it felt good killing Garret Jacob Hobbs. Would it feel good to kill me now?" 

Will chuckled dryly and replies, 

"Oh, Garret Jacob Hobbs was a murderer. Are you a murderer, Dr. Lecter?"

Hannibal looks straight at Will and me, stating, 

"What reason would I have?" 

I would have taken the gun and shot Hannibal, but I have no other reason besides despising his guts and Hannibal being an annoying twat. Will then says to Hannibal,

"You, you have no traceable motive, which was why you were so hard to see. You were just curious what I would do. Someone like me." 

Will's breathing is starting to shudder like he was emotionally tortured. He respected Lecter's opinion, and now, he was accusing him of murdering people and framing Will for it. Will was suddenly starting to raise his voice. 

"Someone who thinks how I think. Wind him up and watch him go. And apparently, Dr. Lecter, this is how I go." Will raises his gun and threatens to shoot Hannibal when I hear a deep voice from the dark corner of the room. 

"Will. Easy!" 

I see my father, Jack, with his hand raised as if he was trying to ease Will. I stand firmly near Will, trying my best to stand still. Will is visibly shaking, and as Will and I look at Hannibal, we both see that he is slightly smirking as if he was taunting Will. With that, Will raised his gun and was about to pull the trigger; when Jack shoots Will in the left arm, and Will falls to the ground. I feel some blood spatter on my neck, and I immediately go to the floor and try to help Will with his wound. I tear the long sleeve shirt from my arm and wrap it around Will's arm. Will is gasping for air. Will grabs my face and forces me to look at him. He then whispers raspily, 

"See? You see?"

A single tear falls from my face as I then realize what will happen next. I didn't save Will. I couldn't help him at all. If what Will says is true, I will make Hannibal Lecter pay for this if it the last thing I do. 

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