Chapter 45-My Reunion

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Elizabeth POV

It was the day after Will was released from the Sanitarium, and I had a fantastic idea. After running some errands for Mom, I took the time to go and see Will. I didn't have a reunion with him, but I wanted to. I picked up some food and a pack of Stella Artois beer and headed to Will's home. I finally arrived and knocked on the door. I could hear the dogs barking and the pitter-patter of feet. Will arrived at the door, and he smiled wide. He quickly opens the door, shooing the dogs away. He leads me to the dining room table. As I place the food and drinks down, I turn around, and Will hugs me tightly. I was taken aback, but I wanted to hug him. I wrap my arms around Will, nudging my head in his chest. I could smell the cologne he was wearing. My emotions were then getting the better of me. I began to cry heavily and sob in Will's shirt. 

"Hey, hey. Stop. I'm here now. There's no need to cry. Please, stop." Will whispered to me. 

Will then wiped my tears. Will smiled for a while at me. 

"It's so good to see you again, Elizabeth."

I sniffled and replied in an achy voice.

"It's good to see you, too. I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't help it. I've missed you, and so much has happened since you've been put away. I had Andrew with me, and even Beverly was there until she..." 

More tears came down from my eyes. Beverly would've been there with us if she hadn't gone to investigate Hannibal. Will again wiped my tears and said to me, 

"Let's just enjoy our reunion and talk after." 

I nodded in agreement, and Will kissed me on my forehead. Will goes to get paper plates, and I open each beer and pass out the pizza and wings I bought for us. I even bought dog treats for Will's pups. As we begin eating, I see that Will is smiling. When he was at the asylum, he looked depressed and scared. At one point, he sent me away for fear that he might hurt me. After finishing our meal, Will and I began to catch up on what occurred while he was gone. I told him about my brush with death and school while I listened to how his life was at the asylum—his talks with Chilton and Abel Gideon. Then, Will stopped talking and began to ask me solemn questions. 

"So, how long have Alana and Hannibal been fucking?" 

I sighed deeply, scared to answer that question, but I had no choice. 

"For about a month or two."

Will smiles and begins to chuckle. He cleans his mouth with a napkin and throws the napkin on his plate. I then began to say, 

"When Abel Gideon went missing, Dad and I questioned Hannibal at home. When we arrived, he was wearing his dress shirt as a nightgown with Alana. Either she destroyed her clothes, or they fucked. I believe in the latter because that's how Alana is."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Will asked.

"I was afraid you'd be mad. I know how you feel about Alana, and knowing that Hannibal was ravaging her every night is probably not a pretty sight for you. I was thinking about your welfare. Besides, I didn't want Chilton to hear our conversations." I say to Will. 

Will then stood up and grabbed the trash can. He began to clean up the table. I stood up and asked if he was upset at me. I was afraid to hear his answer. 

"No, I'm not angry. I kinda flattered to hear that you cared enough to think about me."

I smiled softly and began to help Will clean up. It was then that I heard something outside of Will's house. It sounded like a car parked on the gravel driveway. Then, Will's dogs were barking wildly. Some whimpered and barked even louder. Will and I look at each other and walk towards the screen door. I pulled out my gun in case something was going to go down. As Will and I walked outside to see the mysterious guest, I saw a man with shaggy brown hair, a tan checkered suit with a gold tie pin, and lots of blood on his white shirt. It was Dr. Chilton, and he was carrying what looked like a suitcase. He was out of breath and looked scared. Everything was still except for the dogs licking Chilton's hands and sniffing his body. After gathering his breath, he asked Will a question. 

"May I use your shower, please?"

(I made this chapter short because I want to get to the main event of our story! Comment, like, and follow my page for more story updates!)

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(I made this chapter short because I want to get to the main event of our story! Comment, like, and follow my page for more story updates!)

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