Chapter 30

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"Love is the absence of judgment."
—The Dalai Lama

The Empress | Chapter 30

Fuyuki knew exactly where the number one arrogant First Stringer would be; making her way through the empty halls was dead gave away.

Her heart was pumping.

Can you really win against him?

Perhaps. Perhaps not.

It didn't matter so long as she can strike him where it hurts. To ensure he could never be able to pick up a racket again.

Thankfully, she had researched his playstyle. He was arrogant enough to give away so much and still expect to keep winning.

Fuyuki knew she had more to lose than him if she failed. Yet, more than the fear, more than the unease, she wanted- nein, she needed to do this.

She had arrived at the open courts. And although she had wanted to avoid as many players as possible—mostly anyone that knows Ryoma, his teammates, rivals, and that person—she found her uncaring for the consequences for once.

It was painfully obvious where the Number One stood, his underlings surrounded him. He watched the current match with bored eyes.

She hated how similar they were at that moment.

It was a match between two high schoolers she didn't recognize at the moment. Or perhaps her mind was too clouded to recognize.

At this point, some of the players had noticed her. Their curious gaze shifting between her and the person her cold eyes locked with.

Ignoring the whispers and mumbling, she approached Kurobe first.

"Yukio," she stood directly in front of him.

He gave her what looked be a sympathetic look, which she promptly ignored.

"The First String list isn't official yet is it?"'

Seeing the expression on her face, Kurobe knew the answer she was looking for. At times like this, he was reminded of the first time she arrived at this camp as a child. That lifeless child that considered winning like it was breathing. Those eyes sent shivers down the spines of adults, people twice her age.

"Not yet. Coach Mutobe will be the one to announce the listing soon."

"Good. So that means..." she rose her voice much louder than her speaking volume to inform her target of her intent, "I am free to take the Number One badge." she turned towards him.

There were gasps around her, which went ignored by Fuyuki and Byodoin.


"What is she doing...?"

"After Echizen... she shouldn't do that!"

Approaching her victim, she stopped a couple of feet away from him. His eyes never left her form as she tilted her head slightly to look directly at him.

"Let's play for your badge."

He raised a mocking eyebrow, "And you are?"

She glanced at the badge before meeting his eyes again. Ignoring his question, she replied, "Quite frankly, I am not the aggressive type. However," she roughly gripped the front of his jersey until he was eye-level with her, "When you try to hurt what's considered mine, I have to make sure I slaughter yours."

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now