Chapter 5

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"The dogs with the loudest bark are the ones that are most afraid."
Norman Reedus

The Empress | Chapter 5

The sound of harsh panting could be heard miles away as a certain freshman with two years of tennis experience wheezed. "Sheesh, I can't believe he made me lug this all the way out here. Echizen is a real slave driver!" Said male was carrying a black bag on his back. Glancing around, "I finally made it!" he exclaimed with joy clear in his voice before his eyes widened in horror at the sight of two giant black gates and several cameras glaring in his direction.

"Wha- What is this, a prison?!"

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Inside the camp building, exotic meals and tropical fruits were laid out on the numerous tables, which were also decorated with a white silk cloth. The inside was decorated with designer tables and chairs. The walls looked recently painted and the windows had a clear view as if just wiped clean. The dining hall looked like a five-star restaurant.

"This is amazing," Kawamura commented with obvious amazement

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"This is amazing," Kawamura commented with obvious amazement. Coming from a family with Sushi background, one could say he knew the quality and taste of something based on appearance and smell. And the food that was laid out was high-quality.

"It's like a high-end hotel." Fuji glanced around, taking in every little detail.

With stars in his eyes, Kikumaru pointed towards the tables and turned to the three waiters who stood near the group of middle-schoolers. "Nee, nee, can we eat all of this?"

"Hai. Please help yourselves." Was the polite response he received.

The red-head fist-pumped the air in excitement, "Yahoo!"

However, the joy was short-lived as Atoberather rudelycut in, "Oi, morons!" He addresses mostly those who were excited over the sight of the fancy meals. "Don't you think you're getting too excited?"

Kaido, who did not appreciate the self-proclaimed King's tone, hissed at him while Kawamura and Oishi tried to calm him down.

Ryoma shrugged and took a seat, trying to decide on lunch with his best-friend in troll.

"Wah! Everything looks good!" The raven power-player exclaimed.

Soon enough, everyone started their meal save Tezuka, who stare out the glass windows at the group of jogging high-schoolers.

"Kin-chan!" Shiraishi scolded the hyper boy who can't seem to sit still in his seat.

"Koshimae, who was that pretty girl?!" The boy was rather eager to find out their relationship. Toyama was very curious about her since her appearance at the camp. Yet, his rival still refuses to answer the question no matter how persistent he was.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now