Chapter 15

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"Winning is everything, the victors write history."
    —Akashi Seijuro

The Empress | Chapter 15

It was during noon that the tennis players were formally introduced to the TV crew. Some of them were more excited than others—mainly Kikumaru and Kirihara—to be on TV.

Most of them were crowding outside so Fuyuki took her chances and found peace in the cafe, where two roommates, Fuji and Yukimura resided. They both looked exhausted. Well, the sweat dripping from their temples was the only indication of their fatigue.

"Daijobudesuka?*" The beauty questioned, sitting across from them.

"Ah, Frei-chan,"


Fuji immediately looked at Yukimura; since when was the Demi-God so close to the beauty to be calling her by her first name? 

Yukimura was well aware of the sadistic Tensai's gaze on him, and he allowed a small sly smile to curve on his lips before he smiled much gentler at the oblivious beauty. Said girl was currently watching the TV screen, ignoring everything around her. 'Ah, she has a rather short attention span it seems.'

When Yukimura finally noticed her sports-wear, he could feel some heat on his cheeks from gazing at so much of her bare skin that was out in the open. There was no doubt she's not shy about her outfits. But no matter how many times he saw her, he can't get used to the exploded skin. Her tones flat stomach make his chest stir with unwanted emotions. The girl was a year older than him but this was the first time he had taken interest in the opposite gender romantically. It didn't help that one of his biggest rivals was also eyeing her at the moment.

Fuji had tried not to look at all the exposed skin but he just can't help it when his eyes open just to look at her a bit longer. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought the girl was some sort of siren trying to lure in young boys to her lair. Of course, he wouldn't mind being one of the unfortunate victims. But the Tensai had so many questions to ask her and not enough time to because there was always someone there with her. On top of that, Fuji didn't like the new development. 'When did Yukimura have the time to talk to her?' Everyone has been busy with shuffle matches so Fuji didn't think twice about anyone getting too friendly with the beauty. But clearly, he was mistaken.

"Frei-chan, would you like to play a match against me?" Fuji asked with his eyes closed.

That got her attention pretty quickly, much to Yukimura's displeasure. But the male was also very curious as to how that would turn out. He had wondered—since he learned about her playing tennis—about her tennis style. Would it be as elegant as her? Different and violent? More focused on strength? Technique?

Thanks to his roommate, it was his chance to find out.

"Alright." The beauty's gaze locked with the Tensai's and had it been someone else, they would have shivered. When she looks at someone like that, it always seems like her sharp orbs are looking deep into their soul. 

"Let's go." She already had a racket in hand—it was red with a 'Y' initial, much like a certain Prince's racket they noted—as she began guiding them.

Fuji closed his eyes and nodded, following after her. Yukimura right behind them.

The two males followed after her quickly, afraid to lose track of the beauty. After many twists and turns—they briefly wondered why she was leading them further inside the building but then, the three reached a rather large indoor tennis court. It was a place they have yet to come across. In fact, the two males didn't even know there was a tennis court inside the building.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now