Chapter 1

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"Losing is not an option." 
Frei Fuyuki

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The Empress | Chapter 1

There are merely two reasons to play tennis.

One. Victory.

Two. Reunion.

Tennis serves as a bridge; it connects those who play. As long as the player never forgets tennis, they will never forget each other.

The girl stared blankly at the ceiling despite the minutes ticking by. 

"The fans are looking forward to seeing this year's champion. Will it be Fuyuki Frei or the new rookie, Gilbard Stone? We'll find out. The match begins in," the man glanced at his watch, "exactly 30 minutes."

The screen was bright with excitement in the dim room. Pressing the mute button, she thought, it is time.

Don't disappoint me.

I won't.

Obtain the perfect victory.


You have to be the best.

I know.

Losing is not an option.

I know that too.

Yuki knows, mama. She knows all that too well. Yuki will do her best-

Not enough.

-but it's not enough, is it?


Her eyes closed. At least her prince won't have to see her pitiful self.

A puppet is useless when the strings are broken after all.

The girl grabbed her racket and exited the hotel room.


"Oh my gosh, is that-"

"Yes! It's totally her!"

She heard the insects buzz around her, which only tempted her to walk faster, but she didn't.

How silly.

She didn't want to see their expecting eyes and false adoration. Not when they didn't know the real her.

Just as she exited the building, the limo awaited her. And beside it, her ever so loyal butler.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now