Chapter 17

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"Why does it have to be someone like her?"
—Akashi Seijuro

The Empress | Chapter 17 

It was a bit of a shock to the remaining Generation of Miracles, who stood and observed everything that happened in the last few minutes.

Aomine stared at his recovering childhood friend, her cheeks painted scarlet from the kiss with the girl known as 'Frei Fuyuki', her idol. Then, his gaze shifted to said girl as she was being held in the arms of his giant ex-teammate again and glaring at his ex-shadow. All the while, a certain blond idiot stared at her with a deep blush and painfully obvious awe. Though, it's true. The girl's beauty was something to be in awe about; she looked even better up close. And-

If his eyes lingered on her exposed cleavage, no one noticed or said anything. The tanned male truly appreciated the dress. But Aomine had so many questions. How does she know Kuroko? It doesn't appear like they only met once as Momoi said.


'How the hell is she that giant's girlfriend?! He'll break her, damn it!'

Suddenly, he felt a chill from beside him. Standing beside him—when the hell did he get here?!— was his ex-captain, Akashi, and the last member of the Generation of Miracles, Midorima.

Midorima seems to have frozen in place after witnessing the locking of lips between Momoi and the beauty. And there was a glint in Akashi's eyes that made the tanned male want to edge away. But when Aomine turned to see where it was it directly, he froze.

Her brilliant hazel eyes were on him.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Fuyuki felt an intense gaze on her person so she turned to the source.

Akashi Seijuro.

Her eyes looked to the person next to the redhead. That was Kuroko's previous light, she figured. When their eyes met, she shifts her gaze back to the redhead beside him.

There was a slight unconscious curve of her lips as her eyes took in the Emperor. The irony was not lost to her.

Seeing as the pinkette is still slightly out of it, Fuyuki approached Aomine and the rest of Too basketball regulars. The beauty said with an apologetic tone, "Yuki is sorry."

Too High members would have believed she was sorry if it wasn't for the look in her hazel eyes.

"N-no! It's really okay!" It was Imayoshi Shoichi—Too High's captain—that spoke up in a polite Kansai accent and a blush of his own. The captain honestly did not expect the beauty to kiss Kuroko as a 'reward', much less their manager. It was obvious the unique beauty is a foreigner but Imayoshi doubted it had anything to do with greetings. 

"I'm sorry!" Sakurai Ryo blurted out, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he started apologizing profusely with a huge blush, not only on whole his face and down the neck, but up to the tips of his ears too.

She examined the embarrassed male with a slight tilt in her head to make her confusion clear. 'Why is he... apologizing?'

The male's blush turned deeper.

"Why are you apologizing?" 

"A-Ah! I'm sorry!" 

The near-by players could almost feel the heat radiating from him.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now