Chapter 8

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  "Whether it's genius or prodigy, once it's broken, it's just garbage." 
Hanamiya Makoto

The Empress | Chapter 8

It was around dinner time that the beauty headed down from the music room. Her loyal butler by her side every step of the way.

"Whoa, this is good nya~" The cat-like male exclaimed, trying to light up the mood. Even though, he himself just lost his doubles partner and best friend.

Most of the players were still sad to see their teammates leave the camp. Some tried not to think about it while others remained unnaturally quiet.

The doors to the Bistro—the Cafe—opened as Fuyuki stepped in.

Her eyes were dazed as if she was deep in thought while Haru held the door for her. Most of the tables were grouped based on their school and so, Haru wasn't sure where to seat her. After a moment, he decided to go with Rikkai Dai as their captain seems mature enough not to hit on the girl.

Haru wasn't stupid, he saw the way these filthy hormonal teens eyed his Fuyuki-sama the moment she walked in. With interest, curiosity, and awe. After all, he's been watching over the girl for years. Of course, Fuyuki would have noticed as well if she wasn't in such deep thought.

Only when the beauty sat down did she notice, only about half of the Rikkai Dai regulars remained: Yukimura Seiichi, Yagyu Hiroshi, Marui Bunta, and Kirihara Akaya.

"Ojou-sama, please wait while I bring your dinner." The butler bowed slightly with a hand across his chest.

The beauty nodded and went back to staring at the dinner table in front of her. But the moment Haru walked away, Fuyuki glanced at her table-mates.

"You're that girl, with Echizen-kun..." Yagyu trailed off, looking at her.

Up close, the young girl looked even prettier, her long lashes kissed the skin under her lower lashes every time they blinked, her big hazel eyes looked like two beautiful marbles, pale bow-shaped lips, and a small, pale face. Her beautiful longs locks of hair fell around her like a shield as she stared at Yagyu.

The male shifted nervously in his seat as her attention was focused on him.

"Ja." Fuyuki agreed with his statement.

"Nee, nee! What is your relationship with Echizen?" Kirihara asked with much interest. Not knowing how rude he sounded. But can you blame him? He's rarely been around girls, the closest he's been to knowing them included exchanging a few comments here and there with Tachibana An, Ryuuzaki Sakuno, and that crude girl that was Ryuuzaki's friend. Of course, Fuyuki didn't mind, but his *buchou sure does as he sends clear disapproval his way.

Every player present in the cafe perked up at that question as they began to shamelessly edge closer and eavesdrop, except for the mature players who tried not to make it as obvious.

"Yuki's relationship with Ryoma?" the beauty was puzzled. She didn't know how to explain their relationship. There were no words to explain the relationship the two had.

Yet, the seaweed-like haired male nodded his head furiously, eager to find out the answer to the question everyone's been asking.

Seeing the male's expecting face, the beauty decided to toy with him. "You see, Yuki has a very interesting relationship with Ryoma." She edged close to the male across from her, as though she was about to tell him her biggest secret.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now