Chapter 7

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"Watch me."
 Ryoma Echizen

The Empress | Chapter 7

When Fuyuki returned to the camp, it was almost noon and most of the courts were empty. Ryoma's match should be soon; she had seen the match listing on the main coach's desk. It should be an easy victory for the young prodigy with his level of skills. However.

Her mind wandered off to the high-schooler, Tokugawa Kazuya. He is strong; not only is he one of the stronger players in the camp, but he is also rather intimidating and the aura he gives off is that of a leader. The high-schooler was the same. Something in his eyes reminded her of Ryoma, perhaps it's the 'I won't lose' attitude or the look of ambition. Either way, she hoped Ryoma stays away from him because, with his current skills, Tokugawa will most definitely win.

As the saying goes, speakor think in this caseof the devil and he shall appear.

The beauty could feel a small curve forming on her glossed pink lips as her gaze landed on his slim yet tall figure. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed two other high-schoolers trailing behind him, Oni Jujiro from the fifth court and Kanata Irie, leader of the 3rd Court. She strolled up to Tokugawa, not breaking their eye contact. Something gleams in his eyes before returning to his usual serious stare.

Judging from his reaction, it seems very few have ever made eye contact with him without flinching. And being the way the beauty isa proud personshe stopped a few centimeters away from him.

"Don't play against Echizen Ryoma." the tone of her voice went soft once again. Based on Ryoma's initial reaction to Tokugawa, Fuyuki knew the boy would seek out the stronger player to test his skills.

Tokugawa responded with his usual blank stare. Almost as if reading his mind, the beauty closed her eyes and shook her head to the sides, resulting in a small wave of locks flying around her. "Nein. You're wrong; it's not that Yuki doesn't believe he can't win against you." Fuyuki stopped to glance around the empty court, feeling as though something was wrong.

"Then?" The blond actor with glasses interrupted. Hazel orbs traveled to his smiling, amused facade. Once he met her gaze, however, he couldn't tear his eyes away. She was indeed breath-taking. The male took a moment to appreciate how her short black shirt and stockings stood out against her pale, flawless skin.

She whispered a soft, "At the moment."

"-Huh?" Kanata snapped out of his trance from the sound of her sweet voice.

"I just don't think Ryoma will win against Tokugawa at the moment."


Hearing the sound of the tennis racket hitting the floor, Fuyuki swiftly turned towards the sound to see her childhood friend. "Ryo-chan..." Her voice came out just below a whisper as he stared at her with a flash of hurt in his eyes. 

How careless of her. 

After Momoshiro's battle, she assumed Ryoma would be too busy focusing on his match to bother looking for her. Moments later, Ryoma broke his gaze from the beauty to glare at Tokugawa. He bent down to pick up his racket and held the tip towards the older boy, "Let's play."

Fuyuki snapped her head towards Tokugawa and tightened her fist. Ryoma can't lose. Nein. She won't allow it. After all, he promised. The only one who can defeat him is her and her alone. 

But the stubborn look in his eyes told her she won't be able to convince him otherwise. A soft sigh escaped her lips as a second voice agreed with the young prodigy. "If Koshimae is taking on the black-haired one, I'll take on the old man Oni over there!" Declared Toyama, who trailed behind his rival. The other freshman seems to have gotten there just in time for Ryoma's declaration of challenge.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now