Chapter 31

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"Tears come from the heart and not from the brain."
—Leonardo da Vinci

The Empress | Chapter 31

The first time she woke up, she felt something heavy on her hand. Fluttering her eyes to become accommodated, she took a moment to take in her surroundings. It wasn't her room, she realized. The room was much smaller but nostalgic. It was Ryoma's room. 

Feeling a heavy sensation on her hand, she looked down. He was right there, holding her hand as he laid his head on the side of the bed. As if sensing her eyes on him, his eyes opened slowly. He stood up and hovered over her. "Yuki," there was a look of concern in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but it seemed he decided against it as he closed it again. 

When he started to slip his hand from hers, Fuyuki tightened it stubbornly.

With an indulging smirk, he paused and allowed her to keep him captive. His other hand went to her forehead to feel her temperature. She didn't protest. She felt a bit weak and tired despite not knowing how long she had been lying on his bed.

"Sleep Yuki," his hand moved from her forehead to the top of her head as he ran his fingers gently through her hair. "Your body needs to recover."

For once, she couldn't say she was fine. Because her eyes started closing before she could do anything about it.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"What's wrong with Fuyuki-sama?" With a hard voice, Haru looked sharply at the private doctor in charge of the beauty.

The man was unfazed by Haru's tone as he has become accustomed to his behavior when it involves the young Frei. 

"It seems her body was under extreme stress that she was only able to stand so long due to willpower. I suggest letting her rest for the next few days and making sure there is no heavy-lifting exercise or anything that requires running. She has experienced some trauma on her right shoulder."

Haru frowned. Of course, she was under pressure. First her battle with Byodin then the stress of the upcoming competition. This year would be rough and Fuyuki knew that which was why she pushed herself so much. But if she is held back because of her shoulder... Haru can only imagine the consequences.

When the doctor passed him, he gripped Haru's shoulder very briefly. With one look, Haru understood what the man was trying to say. She had more than a physical injury after the match.

They both knew her mindset was also getting worse. The burst of intense emotions she was feeling was abnormal. 

As the man leaves, Haru thinks. Perhaps he should take her away from Japan for a while. No matter what, she can't seem to overcome her past. And the fact that she came out meant that Fuyuki wasn't as in control as she wanted everyone to believe.

Haru opened the door to Ryoma's room. It pained him to see her so vulnerable on the single-sized bed. Usually, she seemed more at peace. 

He finally allowed himself to kneel by the sleeping beauty's side; Ryoma had finally left because his mother was concerned about him sleeping in such a stiff position. In addition to that, there was no way his father would allow Ryoma to sleep beside the beauty. That man had a wild imagination. 

Haru counted it as his luck.

Looking over her flawless face, Haru gently grabbed one of her hands and placed it against his cheek with both of his hands. "Fuyuki-sama," he closed his eyes and coddled it against her hand, "Please... Please get better soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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