Chapter 3

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"From the warmth of your palm, I will melt like the snow."
Frei Fuyuki

The Empress | Chapter 3

A week had passed since that fateful meeting with the unknown beauty. Both the Seigaku and Hyotei regulars tried not to think about her and the relationship she shares with the youngest member of Seikagu regulars.

Until, of course, the U-17 camp invitation camp knocking on their doors.

Now, there was something to make their summer more interesting. The well-known camp for elite tennis players across Japan is bound to have strong tennis players. Still, the beauty lingered in the backs of their minds as they continue on their daily lives.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *




The young boy rolled off the bed and slammed the alarm. Getting up lazily, he freshened up in the hotel's washroom.

Today was the day he has been waiting for; the first day of U-17 Camp.

'Can't wait,' the boy could feel the smirk forming on his lips.

America is fun, but Japan had more interestingor rather, strongplayers.

Taking a quick glance at the American breakfast, he glimpsed. Instead, the boy grabbed a ponta from his bag and exited the hotel. 'Japanese breakfast is way better.'

The giant round clock hanging behind the front counter in the entrance hall read it was exactly 7:15 AM. It was unusual for him to get up this early as he wasn't a morning person. But the boy had a train to catch.

"Crap," he muttered as they announced the train was leaving.

With a smirk, he pulled out his racket and a tennis ball. "Take this!" With a quick serve, the ball slapped away the guard's whistle, buying him just enough time to jump in the train before the man picked the whistle up and blew on it.

As he sighed in relief, cheers immediately followed by his audiences when he slid through the doors. "Guess I caused too much of a spectacle." Lowering his cap, he held the invitation in his fist. 'Japan, huh...'


Getting off the train, the young prodigy placed the duffle bag over his shoulder. The trip shouldn't be too long and he would be able to could catch up on his sleep during the plane ride.

Showing the lady behind the desk his passport and ticket, the boy stepped into the plane. It didn't take too long to find his seat either since most were taken. Sparing the teen seated next to him a glance, he scoffed mentally.

'Made mada dane.'

The teen just so happens to be reading a Playboy magazine. The lady sitting two seats away from them was staring in their direction with clear disapproval while she covered her—rather interested—son's eyes. She seems to think the tennis player knew the pervert. Covering his eyes with the cap, the boy dozed off to sleep.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

"This is a joke, right?"

"This place is for the top potentials in the Japanese tennis world. So why are we babysitting middle-schoolers for 3 days?!"

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now