Chapter 4

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"Only when one has experienced the coldness of winter can one know the warmth of spring."
Yukimura Seiichi

The Empress | Chapter 4

"How unsightly." The soft voice cut through the high-schoolers' protest. Everyone turned to see a gorgeous- no, dazzling girl with long dark locks tied in twin tails and a pair of large but foreign hazel eyes that seems to stare into their souls.


Flowers hang loosely on the sides of her pigtails, giving her an innocent-angelic look. A thin black ribbon wrapped around her slim neck with a small bell, contrasting with her pale and flawless complexion.

 A thin black ribbon wrapped around her slim neck with a small bell, contrasting with her pale and flawless complexion

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(For reference. Her hair length, style, and clothes are the same, but Fuyuki doesn't look like this.)

If they didn't hear her melodious voice and see the small flick of her wrist, they would have believed she was a doll on showcase. Her outfit composed of what the Japanese would consider 'revealing'; a white off-the-shoulder top with visible black bra straps and jean short-shorts.

The Seigaku and Hyotei regulars tried not to gasp when they saw the beauty again and so soon, though in no way were they complaining. Each of them was fascinated with the girl. Kikumaru yelled out her name in surprise. Thankfully, this time he didn't call her 'Yuki-chan' on impulse because they haven't reached that level of intimacy. He held back his urge to pet her soft hair once again while Atobe held back a smirk. Fuji's piercing blue eyes opened to get a better view of her, scanning her from head to toe. Tezuka's expression remained unchanged yet, the hint of curiosity in his eyes told another story. Hiyoshi was ecstatic that the frail girl was here but secretly wondered why and how. Others hid back their excitement after seeing the young beauty in front of them again.

"Those who haven't been able to obtain a ball should just go home already." Her voice wasn't harsh but it was sharp enough to get her point across.

"You-" Junichi Sasabeone of the high-schooler who lostturned to glare at her, "Who do you think you a-" only to stop when he got a better look at the beauty.

Feeling a heated glare on his back, the high-schooler shifted his eyes tofinallysee two groups of middle-schoolers and an older male dressed as a butler beside the beauty. Their glares managing to send a cold shiver down his spine but the girl's beauty enchanted him.

The girl stared him down with large hazel orbs making the much taller high-schooler self-conscious and fidget inwardly. The girl was super cute; he wouldn't be surprised if his eyes were current heart-shaped.

"A trash like you doesn't deserve to know Ojou-sama's name." The butler who accompanied her growled with a sharp glare. Some of the middle-schooler seemed surprised to see him; he appeared out of nowhere, however, the more observant tennis players noticed him from the beginning. The Seigaku and Hyotei players immediately recognized him as the same butler that accompanied the beauty during their first meeting.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now