Chapter 10

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"You are a dolt, and I am a fool. Aren't we a pair."
Frei Fuyuki

The Empress | Chapter 10

Taking off her clothes was easy; she was only wearing a dress and undergarments. Once that was taken care of, the beauty went inside to sit on the small wooden stool. She rubbed the Magnolia scented bar in her palms and ran her fingers through the miles of pale skin. Once satisfied, she rinsed off the base with warm water before moving onto her long hair.

The beauty knew today would be the day that Ryoma come back to the camp boundaries. She knew because she had placed some tennis players on the mountain so that they can report to her. This way, she felt more secure. It bothered Fuyuki when she didn't know something. She liked to be in control of any situations that were within her powers. Not knowing how Ryoma is doing when they were so close in distance bothered her. But at least she can receive some information on the prodigy. Usually, Fuyuki wouldn't hesitate to find and stay with Ryoma but she knew that would be selfish of her. She would be distracting him from training to become stronger.

Given the situation, it was unusual for the beauty to get cleaned up during day time; Fuyuki usually took occupied the onsen at midnight or after. But since her beloved Prince would come around midnight—while everyone is sleeping—she wanted to be ready.

Taking a generous amount of shampoo, she rubbed it onto her scalp gently. Taking the paired conditioner next, she plastered the substance on her long hair. Waiting a few minutes, she poured water on her body once again, from head to toe. Repeating the action until she felt clean. 

When she stood up, she clipped her hair up with only some strands of midnight blue—almost black under the artificial light in the onsen—escaping to frame her small face. 

Fuyuki slowly slid into the warm water and leaned against a rock to support her. A small smile graced her lips as she thought about how much stronger Ryoma will become by the end of his training. It made her shiver in delight.

The door to the onsen slid open when five figures came inside with towels wrapped around their wrist. They didn't notice the beauty yetas the rock seems to block most of their view of her. They followed her example and started to clean up before joining her in the onsen.

Fuyuki stared at them. These were the strongest high-schoolers in the camp. For now at least.

"Nee, what do you think about that Echizen Ryoma?" Kanata asked. His glasses where nowhere to be seen. His usual curly hair was straight from the heavy drops of water dripping down his blond hair.

Fuyuki perked up. It was the perfect opportunity.

"He's interesting." It was Tokugawa that said that. The beauty wasn't surprised; she knew that he told Ryoma to become stronger and about the coach on top of the mountain. He looked relaxed for once; Fuyuki assumed it either because of the onsen or the people he was with. Best to assume the former.

"Eh? Is he strong? I haven't really met him yet." Tanegashima Shuji grinned, his tan skin shining under the dim lights. His white hair reminded her vaguely of her own.

Oni merely grunted in response. The redhead looked much older than a high-schooler but Fuyuki didn't judge; she didn't look her age either.

Once they finished the cleaning process—Fuyuki didn't stare after their initial arrival—they stood up and slid into the onsen. Tanegashima and Kanata sighed in bless once the hot water soaked into their skin.

"He's being trained by coach Nyudo." It seems Tokugawa also wanted to see how much stronger Ryoma would get.

"Hmm," Migihashi Itarou hummed. This was the first time she saw him. He had long brown hair that was pushed back and a matching pair of brown eyes.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now