Chapter 9

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"Who are you when no one is watching?"

The Empress | Chapter 9

The next morning, Fuyuki woke up early to observe the players—both the middle-schoolers and high-schoolers. They were all enemies now but for reason, they cling onto one another like ants.

These were the teens deemed worthy of U-17.

She couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed; some of them were still developing and weak. The high-schoolers, on the other hand-

The beauty glanced at Oni and Tokugawa playing a match with six balls.

-were interesting.

Not for the fact that they can play with six balls but for the fact they were returning them with special moves.

Fuyuki was almost tempted. Almost. The beauty knew her mission. It wasn't to crush strong players, it was to watch over her beloved Ryoma's growth and make sure he enjoyed himself with strong opponents. 

She frowned.

Then what was she doing here? Ryoma was in the mountain training.

"Fuyuki-sama," Haru knocked on the wooden door twice before entering with a tray in hand.

He watched the beauty as she pressed herself against the glass window with only a large white shirt. The top three buttons lose and he could see her long, slim legs and thighs. The curves of her chest were visible along with quite a lot of cleavage.

It was a sight the butler was used to, But it never failed to make him flustered. From the looks of it, the beauty didn't require his help today.

"Your tea, Fuyuki-sama."

The butler watched his mistress take the cup of Earl Gray with a thoughtful look. Taking a small sip, she watched the training of the middle-schoolers.

"Do they interest you?" he tried not to allow his envy to show in his voice.

The beauty merely smirked in response, "Interest? Hm, not quite."

"...Is it because of Echizen-kun?"

When there was no response, Haru knew he guessed correctly. Everything his Fuyuki-sama did was for that young boy after all. She always put his happiness before her. His needs and wants before hers.

It was frustrating. Especially when the young boy was so clueless about it. He always took the beauty for granted. Unaware of how many people would kill to have her attention even for a while, much less have her want them so much.

The young prodigy had everything the butler wanted. Her attention, her smiles, her love. It was unfair. Truly unfair.

"Thank you, Haru." there was a gentle smile on her lips as she set the teacup down. "It was delicious."

Ah. Yet, he also didn't want to give up what he has. Knowing, there was only a handful of people the beauty allowed this close to her. He was the only one allowed to serve her in the morning like this, he was the only one allowed to see her in this state. He was the only one.

"You're very welcome, Fuyuki-sama." this was a very familiar routine but it never failed to make him beam at the compliment.

He flushed upon noticing the beauty begin to unbutton more of her shirt. Being the gentleman he is, Haru turned to give her some privacy despite seeing her body numerous times.

The Empress [Prince of Tennis + Kuroko No Basket Crossover]Where stories live. Discover now