Chapter 2

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"You came into my life as a story
you left as a legend."
Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Reborn.

The Empress | Chapter 2

It was a boiling hot summer day in Japan, Tokyo. The only relief was the cool wind blowing every once in a while. But of course, the heat was no excuse to slack off from practice for the Seishun Gakuen Tennis Club regulars.

"It's too hot. Way too hot!" Momoshiro Takeshi exclaimed, throwing his tennis racket gripping hand up.

"Fuuush, don't state the obvious, baka." A snake-like male—Kaido Kaoru—inputted.

"Huh?! What did you say, Viper?!"

"Maa, calm down you two." A brown-haired male with closed eyes and a never-ending smile—Fuji Shusuke—said.

Yet, the two rivals continued their bickering.

"I just finished making a new Inui-juice." The two froze in terror. "I call it the Improved Akazu." The male with the notebook in hand—Inui Sadaharu—pushed up his glasses, making the lens flash under the suns ray.

The effect of those words was immediate as they all instant backed away from the smirking male with green faces, except for the sadist, who looked like he wanted to try it and a stoic captain—Tezuka Kunimitsu, who observed his teammate with a mental sigh.

"Save me Oishiii, nya!" A cat-like male—Kikumaru Eiji—hid behind his doubles partner—Oishi Shuichiro, who looked worried.

"C-calm down everyone." Being the mother-hen among the group, he tried to stop the chaos.

The last male—Kawamura Takashi—sat on the bench shyly, watched his teammate. That is until a certain Tensai placed a racket in his hand. Instantly, a loud "Burning!" broke his silence.

Approaching from a distance, "What is with all the racket?" Keigo Atobe raised an elegant eyebrow with the rest of his team behind him.

"Hyotei?!" Momoshiro Takeshi exclaimed in surprise.

Kikumaru stepped out from behind Oishi, "Hoi, hoi, what is Hyotei doing here?"

"Ore-sama was thinking of having a practice tennis match against Seigaku. Isn't that right, Kabaji?"

"Usu." The tanned giant—Munehiro Kabaji—replied while carrying a sleeping Jiro Akutagawa on his back effortlessly.

The rest of Hyotei stood behind their self-proclaimed king and sighed. The weather was hot enough and to top it off they were going to be running. However, no one complained about their captain's decisions. But that didn't mean they couldn't complain.

"It's too hot, nya!" Kikumaru flailed his arms around, resulting in the racket to slip from his grip.

Everyone present watched as the racket flew up and landed out of sight.

"My racket! Wait, nya!" The acrobatic male immediately ran after it.

"Wait, Eiji!" Oishi followed; worried for his partner running without looking where he's going. Everyone knew it's a bad idea to let the cat-like tennis player run loose without someone supervising him.

The rest also trailed or jogged behind two since the tennis courts were in that direction.

When the two groups of males arrived at their stop, Yushi Oshitari noticed a shift in movement from a distance away.

There was a male crouching down; the sight was unclear, making the figure look like a blob of color.

Kikumaru quickly grabbed the fallen racket in his hands and smiled widely before squinting his eyes, following Oshitari's line of sight. His sharp eyes noticed another figure laying down, a smaller one. He froze dead on his track, "I-is that a corpse?" he pointed towards the figures with a shaky finger, too scared to add his usual 'nya' at the end.

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