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pov: kirishima
Iida walked in at exactly the wrong time. us boys clamored to explain but he shushed us, only letting todoroki talk first because he held tsukina. he pointed to bakugo and said with a straight face "bakugo slept with tsukina." i blanched and iida's face got red. "HE WHAT?" todoroki didn't seem to understand what he was saying "he slept with her. sometime in the middle of the night last night he came in and went to sleep with tsukina. they were cuddling when we woke up" Shoji was restraining bakugo at this point, covering his mouth and holding his arms at his side. bakugo's entire face was bright red and we could hear muffled screams from under shoji's hand. iida was speechless, "...i...wh...that is not appropriate...bakugo is this true?" somewhere in all the chaos, the girls had escaped into the dorms kitchen to eat breakfast, leaving us boys to deal with an angry class rep. kami turned to me and whispered "i don't think todoroki knows what he's saying". shoji had finally calmed bakugo down enough to form coherent sentences.

i ripped that multi armed freak off me and went over to four eyes, sticking my finger in his face. "we. didn't. do. anything. i was worried about her so i came over to check on her and make sure none of the other boys were doing anything with her. i was PROTECTING her. that idiot icyhot doesn't know what he's saying, you can check the security cameras." i said through gritted teeth. just then, suki came back in with raccoon eyes, pink cheeks, and frogface, carrying stacks of pancakes. she had that annoying cute smile on her face as she said "we made breakfast! you guys hungry?". they put the plates down and paused, "are we interrupting something...?" frogface asked. "no, no. go eat breakfast", four eyes said before turning back to me "we will talk later" he said with a glare. i just rolled my eyes.

pov: midoriya
kacchan slept with her?! i mean i know he's not the most friendly person on earth but he wouldn't do that. i was still curious but went over and sat down with the others, taking a few pancakes and thanking the girls for making them. we were all just hanging out, talking and laughing while we ate, until i noticed suki hadn't taken any for herself. i looked at her quizzically, "aren't you hungry? there's plenty of food for everyone, take some!". "oh, i'm not hungry. thanks though izu" she said with a smile. i was still worried, she was already so small and thin, barely weighing anything at all. i thought for a moment and realized i've never seen her eat more than a couple bites in all the time i've known her! my concern grew more by the second as i watched her, noticing how her smile would drop when people weren't looking. i went over and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze. "are you ok?" she looked up at me and smiled, "of course! why? are you alright?" i brought her across the room to talk. "why aren't you eating suki? i'm worried about you, you're already so small". she just smiled at me, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder "there's no need to worry izuku, i'm fine! just not hungry". i was still concerned but left it alone, it was obvious she didn't want to talk about it. we went to sit back down at the table but the rest of class 1A had woken up and were sitting down too so there was only one seat left. "oh! sit down izuku, i'll stand over there", suki said, pointing to a spot between kacchan and denki. i felt a surge of unfamiliar jealousy and didn't think before saying "don't go over there, here you can sit on my lap". everyone stared and i realized what i'd just said, my face turning red "u-um i mean if you w-want, you don't have to..." i stuttered. suki didn't seem to mind though, she just said "aw, that's sweet izu! are you sure though? i wouldn't want to inconvenience you". i saw kacchan looking at me, DARING me to say it... "yeah, i'm sure. actually i want you to, you shouldn't have to stand" i said, feeling bold. she smiled and blushed a bit, embarrassed by everyone looking at her. but she tentatively sat down in my lap, her tiny body barely weighing anything. i'm definitely not the biggest boy in our class but next to her i seemed huge! i kind of liked it, having a girl on my lap...

pov: Kaminari
i was practically fuming, seeing (Y/N) sitting in midoriya's lap. how could she trust him so easily? cuddling was our thing! i mentally kicked myself for not asking her out sooner, i've had feelings for her since 5th grade and now these guys are all over her. i mean i've always had competition, she's so beautiful everyone has had a crush on her at some point, but no one has ever gotten the chance to ask her out, i've made sure of that. every boy that's even tried to get close to her i've intimidated or pushed away, wanting her to love me. only me. it was a little selfish but i'm in love with this girl and i'd do anything to make her happy. seeing her sitting in someone else's lap sparked untamable jealousy deep in my chest. i didn't want to be mad at midoriya, he was my friend! i looked around, noticing some other jealous stares coming from bakugo, kirishima, shoji, and todoroki. not them too! i thought, wow, she really is perfect. everyone likes her! i felt heat rise to my face, seeing her tiny body sitting on midoriya's leg, her legs in between his. she didn't seem to notice his uncontrollable blush or the stares of the other boys. god she was so oblivious, she's so smart i don't know how she didn't notice! midoriya seemed to be feeling bold today and tentatively wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. she's not yours, she's her own person, she's allowed to like who she wants, as long as she's happy i'll be ok, i told myself, a bit of sadness mixing with my anger. just then, kirishima stood up and said a bit aggressively "ok guys, we should help do the dishes, don't you think?". everyone nodded and started taking their plates to the kitchen to wash them. midoriya tightened his grip on (Y/N), who gently extracted herself from his arms, standing up and taking some plates to the kitchen to wash.

pov: (Y/N)
i put some plates in the sink and went back into the common room. i felt arms wrap around my waist and knew it was denki hugging me from behind. this was kind of our standard greeting so i smiled at him. he pulled me into his chest almost possessively and i looked up at him, confused. "you ok denki?" i asked. he just hugged me tighter, "just missed you". i giggled, "it's only been one night". he ruffled my hair and picked me up, swinging me over his head with ease. i laughed, messing up his hair in return. i felt people staring so i turned around, seeing todoroki, kirishima, and bakugo looking at us. "if you guys want a hug too you can just ask" i teased, and kirishima laughed. todoroki looked down, a slight blush dusting his face, and bakugo looked away. "tch, as if i'd want to hug you" he said, trying to sound like he didn't care. todoroki looked at him, "then why'd you sleep with her last night". bakugo lunged at him and i stepped between them. "shoto, we didn't sleep together. he just wanted to make sure i was ok. and katsuki, please calm down". i wrapped my arms around his chest, barely able to reach around his back. this normally worked to calm him down and today was no different, he relaxed into my touch and looped his arms lightly around me before i pulled away, "shoto probably doesn't even know what he's saying". i went over to todoroki next, hugging him the same way. he buried his face in my hair and wrapped me tightly in his arms, hesitant to let go when i pulled away. i went over to kirishima and hugged him too, he bent down to put his arms around my waist and lifted me a few inches off the floor. i let go and said "there, see? everyone can have a hug"

pov: shoji
i'd been watching from the kitchen, surprised she didn't notice the prominent blushes on their faces, when all of us got a text from an unknown number telling us to come to the fields outside UA. apparently there was an impromptu training session today? some people groaned, "ugh it's saturday we shouldn't have school". we all walked outside in a group, waiting for a teacher to show up and tell us what exactly we were doing there. something seemed off to me but tokoyami told me i was just being paranoid so i left it alone. suddenly, the earth rumbled and walls shot up around us, fencing us in. "hello UA." a raspy voice said out of nowhere.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now