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A/N: yeah this one's gonna be kind of long sorry :/ (plus i aged shiggy down for story purposes lol, he's gonna be 17)

pov: (Y/N)
i looked around frantically, trying to locate where the voice came from. suddenly, more walls sprang up between us, creating a sort of maze separating the class. just as i was about to fly up and see why was going on, the top closed too. "guys? ochaco? tsu? mina?" i said tentatively, trying to stay calm. maybe the teachers planned this like a villain scenario? i'd better find the others. i thought, peeking around a corner. i started running, trying to find my way through the winding passages to my friends. i heard a panicked voice call out my name "(Y/N)?! (Y/N) where are you?!". "ochaco!" i yelled back, running towards her voice, "hold on i'm coming! where are you?". "(Y/N)! i hear you! i can't tell where i am, everything looks the sa-!" her voice cut off and she screamed before going silent. "ochaco? OCHACO?" i screamed, panic taking over as i realized this wasn't a training exercise. my breathing got shallow and i felt light headed, the walls seeming to close in on me. i leaned against a wall, trying to calm myself down but i kept hearing my classmates calling to each other, terrified. i steadied my breathing and focused, following the most distinctive voice: tsu's.

pov: todoroki
i ran around the maze, not knowing where i was going or where i'd been. everything looked the same and it was hard to tell where i was as i looked for my classmates. i found myself in a room, bigger than the tunnels but made of the same rocky material. i looked around, confused "hello? is anyone here? what is this crazy training?" just then, a crazy looking girl came out of another tunnel and looked at me. "hiiiii, you must be shoto todoroki, i've heard so much about you~" she said, licking her lips. "toga" i growled, "of course, this isn't training at all. who's with you and what are you doing here". she walked over to me, putting a finger beneath my chin and pulling my face closer to hers. "aww, is little shoto scared~". i blasted her back with ice, slamming her into a wall. she got back up, completely unfazed "well that want very nice" she pouted, "how about you make it up to me...tell me, do you know where your friend is?" i kept my guard up, getting into a subtle fighting stance, "what do you mean, who do you want". she sauntered back over to me, "oh i think you know." she took out a little vial of blood, pouring it into her mouth and licking her lips. she morphed into (Y/N) and felt around her new body. "hm, this is nice, i've never done her before. although she'd be prettier with more curves~". i smacked her hand away from her chest, "don't. touch. her." toga/(Y/N) looked up at me and grabbed my face in her hands, looking me up and down. "ooh, protective are we? it'll be so much fun to have you watch us hurt her~". "what do you want with her, can't you take someone else? what about mineta, you can torture him!" i said, trying to stall her. "oh she hasn't told you? we're best friends! i suppose i should let her explain though. a pretty boy like you deserves to hear it from her. now i'm only going to ask once more. have you seen her?". "no, i was looking for her too, and even if i had i wouldn't tell you." i said, pushing her hands off me and reminding myself this wasn't really (Y/N). she giggled and walked around lazily, twirling the empty blood vial between her fingers. "she's pretty strong you know. i thought i had her for a minute there, just enough to take her blood, but she got away. it's a shame though, she refuses to hurt anyone. even me and the villains. she escaped me without even leaving a scratch on my skin. i bruised her up pretty bad though~" she said with a manic giggle. "if she was more open to violence she would be unstoppable". i growled, "what did you do to her" toga/(Y/N) smiled, "i bet she cares about you a lot, doesn't she" before i could answer, she taped my mouth shut with duct tape and handcuffed me, muttering and giggling something about how i'd make good bait. she threw me into a shadowy portion of the tunnels and tied my legs together too. just then midoriya ran into the room, breathless. "(Y/N)! it's so good to see you, villains are here! are you alright? i just escaped from dabi but he'll find me soon you have to hide!" she turned to him, "deku? are you ok?"

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now