✿ sho ✿

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oKAY TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH BUT I FINALLY GOT AN IDEA. it's not that good but it's all i could think of so...yeah hope it's not too bad

it's like december now

it was lunchtime and the class was in the cafeteria eating together. i had thought about it and realized if i wanted (Y/N) to love me i'd have to get closer to her, gain her trust and affection. girls like shopping don't they? maybe i could ask her to come to the mall with me! i smiled proudly, this was a great idea! i walked over to her table and sat down beside her. "hey (Y/N)" i said with a smile. "oh hi shoto!", she smiled up at me. i set my food down but noticed she didn't have any in front of her. i looked at her quizzically, "where's your food?" "oh i'm not hungry", she said, brushing it off. i realized i'd never actually seen her eat lunch and she only ever ate a few bites for dinner. "come on, i'll buy you something", i said, taking her hand and pulling her towards the lunch line. she gently pulled her hand out of mine and put them behind her back, keeping up the smile. "it's fine sho, i can buy my own! i'm just not hungry". she went to go sit back down and i blushed at the nickname she'd given me. sho...cute! i sat back down and started to eat my food, occasionally sneaking glances at her. i tried to give her some food off my plate but she refused, insisting i eat it because it was mine. i reluctantly ate all my food and threw away the trash at the end of lunch, working up the courage to ask her to the mall. i tapped her shoulder, "...hey (Y/N)...do you maybe...can you...um..come to the mall with me sometime?" she smiled, "of course! wanna meet there after school?" yes! oh my gosh it's like a date! "sounds good, see you then!" i said, hoping she wouldn't notice my blush.

i flew over to the mall after school to see that shoto was already there, waiting for me by the entrance. i landed lightly next to him, "hi shoto!". he waved back with a smile and we went inside. "where do you wanna go first?" he asked me. i shrugged, "surprise me!". he thought for a second before going into a clothing store.❤️ he took my hand and led me to the men's section. he looked over at me shyly and points to the suits. "could you help me pick one out for the winter formal?" he asked. i smiled up at him, "of course shoto! that's right, the dance is coming up isn't it, i've gotta pick a dress too". the winter formal was a school dance held every year, after christmas and before new years. we walked along the aisles and looked for things to try on until i found some for him. i picked out a white one, a black one, and a blue one for him and pushed him into the changing room, waiting for him to try them on. he came back out in the white one first.

i smiled brightly and nodded, "you look great! 🧡try them all on and then we can see which one you like best" he nodded and went back in the changing room before coming out in the blue one

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i smiled brightly and nodded, "you look great! 🧡try them all on and then we can see which one you like best" he nodded and went back in the changing room before coming out in the blue one.

i smiled brightly and nodded, "you look great! 🧡try them all on and then we can see which one you like best" he nodded and went back in the changing room before coming out in the blue one

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