❄️shoto ending🔥

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pov: (Y/N)
a gentle breeze lifted my hair slightly as i sat in the grass, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a crown. i hummed as i worked, deftly braiding the stems into an intricate rope and securing the ends to each other. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see shoto standing next to a nearby tree. he was unusually stiff though, like he was nervous about something. "oh hi sho!" i said, waving to him, and he waved back with a smile, "hi (Y/N), do you want to maybe walk with me?" he asked hopefully. i smiled and stood up, putting the flower crown on my head and going over to him, "of course! where do you wanna go?". he didn't answer, holding out his hand for me to take instead. i took it and he started walking, leading me into the grove of trees which i'd been sitting at the edge of. i followed him to a huge willow tree growing at the center of it, bright green leaves cascading like a waterfall all the way to the ground. "i found this place a little while ago, i thought you would like it" he said nervously, scratching his neck. "shoto its beautiful!" i said happily, a blush quickly spreading across my face as i looked around. he tugged on my hand a little and parted the branches, taking me inside the dome of leaves. it was beautiful, wildflowers growing in the soft grass at our feet and sunlight filtering through the branches making everything seem to glow. "wow..." i said breathlessly, staring in wonder at the almost magical place we'd entered. i glanced back up at shoto to see his reaction, but he wasn't looking at the tree. his gaze was fixed on my face, as if he was captivated by my smile. our eyes met, and i saw his pupils dilate as his face turned red with either embarrassment or happiness. "(Y/N)" he said softly, bringing his hand up to caress my cheek. my heart fluttered and i blushed hard, my breath catching as his eyes searched mine for any hint of reserve or uncomfortableness. there was none, of course, and i stepped closer to him just a little. "you know i'm not good with feelings and things, i really hope i'm doing this right, you'd tell me if you don't feel the same right? i don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything i just like you a lot i think i even love you and it's been killing me to see you hurt like this and i think if i don't tell you now i might never get to so i'm just going to say it right now, i love you (Y/N). i really really do." he said this suddenly and quickly and nervously, and i was caught a little off guard as he normally was a boy of few words and even fewer emotional outbursts. my heart was skipping with pure joy and i felt almost euphoric, "i think i love you too shoto" i said softly, and his whole face lit up like a shooting star! he threw his arms around me and held me tight into his chest, and i savored the warmth of his touch through a giddy haze. we sat down at the base of the tree's trunk and i nestled into his side as he put his arm around my shoulders, laying my head down on his chest with a little sigh. "you're so beautiful (Y/N), have i ever told you that? in every possible way. you're the most wonderful person i've ever met" he murmured softly. "i think you're amazing too sho! you don't give yourself enough credit. there's no doubt that you're strong and talented, but you're also kind and sweet and people don't acknowledge that as much as they should. i love you for all of you, not just your looks or your quirk" i said softly back, and i felt him grow a little warmer as he smiled. "thank you" he whispered, and i didn't need to respond. he knew.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now