💪shoji ending💪

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pov: (Y/N)
a gentle breeze lifted my hair slightly as i sat in the grass, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a crown. i hummed as i worked, deftly braiding the stems into an intricate rope and securing the ends to each other. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see shoji coming towards me. "hi (Y/N)!" he said, and i smiled, "oh hi mezo! what's up?". "nothing, just wanted to say hi" he said, sitting down next to me. i placed the flower crown on top of his head, "cute!", and he smiled, "not cuter than you". i blushed, taken by surprise, and he laughed a little. "see? you're all pink now", he teased, poking my cheek playfully. just then, a drop of water splashed onto my head, and i looked up to see grey clouds forming in the sky. "ooh, i love rain!" i said happily, and shoji nodded, "me too". the drops started coming down faster, and soon we were caught in a downpour, laughing and holding hands as we ran to get back to the school. about halfway there though, he stopped abruptly, pulling me back to face him. he took off his mask and looked into my eyes, "wait.". i looked up at him, water soaking both of us to the bone, "hm?". "(Y/N), i love you." he said, holding my hand tight and taking off his mask, "i love you.". i was shocked, frozen in place as torrents of chilly rain pelted down on us. "mezo...". "oh no, i'm sorry (Y/N) i- i made you uncomfortable didn't i, i'm so sorry i should've thought this through" he panicked, and i reached up, cupping his face in my hand. "no, no that's not it at all, i'm just...surprised? i never thought you'd feel the same" i said shyly, looking away. his face lit up, "really? you love me too?". i nodded, "yes, i think i do!", and he leaned down and kissed me, actually kissed me with his real unmasked lips. my breath caught and my heart skipped a beat, and i kissed him back as he scooped me up into his big arms. he held me like i was the most precious thing in the world to him, and i clung to him like he was life itself. the rain was forgotten, the chill was forgotten, the only thing left was the warmth of us, together. eventually though, we had to come back to reality. he didn't put me down though, starting to run as fast as he could towards shelter and laughing with me as i held him tight so i wouldn't fall.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now