❄️dating shoto headcanons🔥

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first date
he takes you out to a fancy dinner after he googled 'where to take the girl you love on a date ideas' :)

in public, small gestures are kind of his thing. holding hands, standing close to you, putting his arm around your shoulders, sometimes when you're out doing hero stuff he'll even kiss you before you separate <3 . in private though, he's not afraid to cuddle and sometimes he'll even stand behind you when you're doing things with his arms around your waist and his chin on your shoulder hehe

he's quite inexperienced as you may have guessed, and he constantly worries he's doing something wrong but you always assure him he's perfect :)

his favorite thing about you
he loves the way you make everyone feel comfortable around you. you're approachable and never make anyone feel bad or dumb or awkward and he just loves it!

you guys aren't huge on nicknames but he'll call you darling sometimes and you still call him sho <3

a cute detail~
you still wear that bracelet he gave you every day, and he wears the scarf everywhere in the winter <3 (when it's not scarf weather he puts it on the stuffed animal you gave him hehe)

how he reacts to someone hitting on you
he doesn't make a scene, but does something to let them know you're his. sometimes it's something small like taking your hand or putting his arm around your shoulder, other times when they don't get the hint (or he's feeling extra jealous~) he'll kiss you right there in front of everyone!

you fall asleep on him
he always makes sure you're comfortable first, and will just sit there admiring you <3

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now