🐙dating tamaki headcanons🐙

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first date
he takes you back to that little pond but for a proper date this time with music and flowers and stargazing under the moon <3

he's a little shy but very sweet, small kisses and holding hands, stuff like that

he loves to give you gifts! he brings you something every time you hang out, even if it's just a little flower he picked from the grass on the way or a cupcake his mom made <3

his favorite thing about you
your bravery. normally you wouldn't describe yourself as a brave person, but to him you're the most courageous person in the world for all you've been through.

yours for him: tama/cutie
his for you: suki/bunny

a cute detail~
you love to fly together, going places most people couldn't reach and keeping it your little secret <3

how he reacts to someone hitting on you
he knows you're always loyal, and doesn't get involved unless things get out of hand

you fall asleep on him
he loves it! sometimes he'll fall asleep too all cuddled up with you <3

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now