💥katsuki ending💥

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pov: (Y/N)
a gentle breeze lifted my hair slightly as i sat in the grass, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a crown. i hummed as i worked, deftly braiding the stems into an intricate rope and securing the ends to each other. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see katsuki leaning against the trunk of the tree i was under with his arms crossed. "oh hi katsu! what's up?" i asked, smiling up at him. "nothing. everyone else is just annoying" he said, scoffing. "come on, i know you love them~" i said teasingly, and he didn't deny it. "whatever. maybe i just wanted to see you huh? i don't need an excuse." he mumbled, and i stood up next to him, feigning shock. "oh my goodness, is the gruff and tough katsuki bakugo admitting that he likes seeing his friends? this should be on the news!" i teased, poking his (surprisingly squishy!) cheek. he batted my hand away playfully and i think i even caught a little smile! "i like seeing you (Y/N)." he said, and i smiled, "aw that's so nice katsu! i like seeing you too". he sighed a little and put his hand on my waist, pulling me a little closer to him as he looked me in the eyes. my breath caught and he touched my blushing face with his other hand, "you still don't get it do you? even with all those brains? damn, ashido said you were oblivious but i thought she was exaggerating. i'm trying to say that i like you (Y/N)." i just stood there frozen for a second, trying to process what had just happened. "you...like me? like more than a friend like me? like really actually like me?" i asked hesitantly, and he let himself smile a tiny bit, "isn't that what i just said dumbass?". "well, i don't know i thought maybe you were joking or something? or it's a mistake? or like a dare? maybe someone dared you to tell me you like me, because you're katsuki you know like how could you like me that would just be crazy right? i thought- !" he cut my rambling off with a kiss, pressing his lips to mine and i melted, letting him support me with his hand still on my waist and lower back. my arms found their way up around his neck and he kissed me harder, desperate, like he'd been waiting to do this his whole life. after what seemed like forever in an instant, we broke apart, breathless, blushing, and completely blind to everything but each other. "katsu" i breathed, and he'd completely given up trying not to smile. "god i love it when you call me that", he said, his voice slightly gravelly with pure joy. i kissed him first, pulling him in by his collar and letting him get flustered this time, enjoying his deep blush and loss for words. "i like you too katsu" i said, and i think that was the most i'd ever seen him smile. "god i don't know what i would've done if you didn't" he said, brushing his thumb over my cheek and gazing tenderly down at me. "you're really pretty you know, anyone ever told you that? cute. everything about you." he squished my face, seeming almost fascinated by it. i laughed and playfully batted at his hands, "heyyy", and he laughed too. like actually really laughed, not dryly, not sarcastically, not at someone's expense, just...laughed. i thought it might've been the cutest thing in the world. "aw katsu, i love your laugh! it's so cute, you're so cute, did you know that?" i said, planting a kiss on his nose. he blushed hard and tried to play it off with a scoff, "yeah right". "no it's true! i think you're very cute" i said with a smile, and he smiled grudgingly back. "oh wait, what are we gonna tell everyone?" i asked, and he answered instantly. "the truth. you're mine, and everyone's gonna know it. you're the best girl in the world and none of these fuckers can take you from me" he said matter-of-factly, and i threw my arms around him, peppering his face with quick little kisses. "you're the best boy in the world too katsu"

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now