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pov: (Y/N)
the minutes after that were a blur of "are you ok?"s and listless hugs, and somehow i ended up back in the common room with kiri again. we were alone, and where aizawa and detective haru had gone was fuzzy in my memory but i didn't really care at that point. i just sat there on the couch, eyes unfocused and hands clenched into fists, lost in a spiral of thoughts. my mom isn't my mom, my dad isn't my dad, i know we don't look much alike but they said it was because of my rare quirk, i'm not real, i'm not sure if i'm human anymore, i've been tampered with, changed, i'm a monster, it all makes sense now, i always felt like there was something wrong with me, i want my mom, my real mom, i want to know her, can you even grieve someone you've barely met, i don't care, i'd do anything to see her again, i wonder if my 'parents' know anything about this, oh my poor siblings, what am i going to do now, everything's different, i don't even know if (Y/N) is my real name, and tsukina is my 'parents' surname, so would i be (Y/N) masashi or still tsukina, i don't want him to be my father, he's awful and horrible and evil, how can his filthy blood be inside me, does that mean i'm going to be evil too?
"-N), please, talk to me. i want to help you, i need you to be ok", kiri's concerned voice and gentle hand on my arm snapped me out of my daze. "i'm...sorry kiri, don't worry i'm ok" i barely whispered. "you wouldn't talk to any of us on the way back until now, i know you're not ok. is there anything i can do to make you feel better?" he spoke to me softly, pulling me into him. i leaned into his touch and curled up into his side, burying my face in his chest. i still didn't speak. he didn't seem to know what to do at first, but he kept his arms protectively around me and eventually started stroking my hair. "you know, i think you're kind of like a butterfly. you can't see the beautiful colors of your wings until you see your reflection in a pond. you don't recognize how brilliant you are (Y/N), but just because you can't see it right now doesn't mean it's not there. do you mind if i give you a nickname? i think cho might suit you, my butterfly." i met his eyes and gave a small nod, the corners of my mouth turned up slightly. he looked down at my hands and, upon noticing they were still clenched into fists, quickly pried them open, seeing that i'd broken the skin of my palms. droplets of blood seeped out of the soft skin and onto my jacket. "oh cho...come on let's get that wrapped up ok?" kiri gently pulled me up off the couch and over to the sink in the kitchen, running warm water over my shaking hands. he dabbed them off with a paper towel and wrapped them up in gauze from the first aid kit, taking care not to tighten it too much. he brought his hand up to cup the side of my face, brushing his thumb over my cheek. " to me. it hurts me to see you this way", he said, meeting my eyes with a sad look in his. my bottom lip began to tremble and a tear slipped down my face as i struggled to keep the sobs at bay. he brushed it away gently and pulled me into a hug, keeping his arms around me as i sunk to the floor, body wracked with silent sobs. he picked me up, one arm under my knees and the other around my shoulders, and i didn't have the energy to protest as he carried me back to the couch. he cradled me in his arms and let me cry into his shirt, running his hands through my hair and whispering little comforting words until i composed myself enough to sit up and wipe off his shirt. "i'm sorry kiri, i got tears on you", i said shakily, and he gave a small laugh. "don't worry about it. you wanna talk about anything? i can't even imagine what it's like for you right now, and i want you to know i'm here for you, we all are". i nodded hesitantly, "i know you guys are, you're amazing friends and i love you so much but i just...well i guess i'm afraid of bothering people? or burdening them or dumping all my problems on them? it's silly i know". he nudged my face up so our eyes met, his eyes holding a strange sadness. "i know it won't make much of a difference, but i'll tell you anyway. you're not a burden, you mean so much to me, and i'll always be here to listen to whatever you need to talk about." he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and smiled softly. my lip started to tremble again and my eyes welled up, and kiri started to panic a little. "oh no did i say something wrong? please don't be sad cho i just wanted to make you feel better-" i pressed a finger to his lips and smiled through my tears, "no you didn't do anything wrong its're being so nice to me. what did i do to deserve someone like you? normally i'm the one comforting people and it's...strange to be on the other end of it. but its nice, it feels like... like someone loves me you know?" he smiled, "of course i love you cho! you always do this for everyone, it's only fair you get it once in a while." i smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder, holding his arm. "thank you kiri"

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now