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pov: (Y/N)
as we ran, momo started making gas masks for all of us and handing them out. i put mine on and launched myself into the cool night air, signaling to them that i was going to look for people inside. i flew to the top of the burning house and looked inside, hearing what sounded like a child crying. "i'm going in, there's a kid in here! shoto, momo, try to put out as much as you can!" i yelled down to them. they tried to tell me not to, yelling for me to come back down but i was determined to help whoever was inside. i quickly but carefully flew in through the window, calling out for them. "hello? i'm here to help you, everything's gonna be fine! my name is (Y/N), i need you to tell me where you are ok?", i said, darting around the room looking for anyone. a small voice came from behind a door, slightly choked. "h-here! we're in here! pl- please help us!" they could barely get the words out between coughs. "don't worry, i'm coming!" i yelled back, and burst through the door. i looked around frantically and saw two small figures huddled together under a desk, shaking and terrified as the flames threatened to grow closer. "don't move i'm coming!" i yelled, not caring about the flames that licked up my calves as i ran to them, scooping them up in my arms and holding them tight. they clung to me as i took off my gas mask, giving it to them and instructing them to take turns breathing. i wove through the burning debris until i got back to the open window i'd come in through, consoling the crying children as best i could while coughing on the smoke. a piece of a shelf fell and nicked my wing, and i winced but ignored the pain, telling the kids to hold on tight as i jumped back out the window. the flight was anything but smooth with my damaged wing and smoke inhalation but thankfully we made it safely back to the ground.

pov: shoji
i ran over to (Y/N) as soon as she hit the ground and asked if she was ok. "don't worry im fine, hold on let me heal them" she waved my concern away and turned her attention to the two kids in her arms. there was a boy and a girl, they appeared to be about 4 years old, with dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. "shhh, it's alright loves, you're ok now" she said soothingly, stroking their hair and healing all their burns and bruises until their sobs were reduced to sniffles. "what are your names sweethearts? can you tell me? it's alright, no need to be afraid" she said softly, her voice raspy from the smoke. the boy looked up at her, "h-haruko. i'm haruko, and she's haruna. we're twins" he said, and the girl nodded. (Y/N) smiled warmly, "those are lovely names! my name's (Y/N) tsukina, but you can call me suki if you'd like". the twins nodded and actually smiled a little! i was impressed, they obviously feel safe with her, all curled up in her arms like that. i mean i'd feel safe with her too, she just has such a comforting presence! if she wasn't going to be a hero she'd make a good teacher i think, with her intellect and how good she is with kids. now she was telling them that the heroes would be here soon and not to worry, and they seemed to believe her fully, nodding and letting her brush the ash out of their hair. i couldn't help but smile a bit at the scene, even though smoke was still rising from their house. we'd managed to put out the fire but the damage was already done. "where are your parents?" (Y/N) asked, and they shrugged, "we don't know, they left a few days ago. they said they'd be back soon but they're still gone" haruna said. "do you know where they went?" (Y/N) asked, and they shook their heads, "they go places for work a lot, but normally we get a babysitter.". "alright, don't worry, the heroes will be here soon and they'll find your parents ok?" she said, and they nodded. she hadn't lied, the heroes were on their way, but they only got here a little while later. once they finally arrived, aizawa and all might rushed over to us, the other heroes holding the rest of the class back so they wouldn't get too close to the unsteady house. (Y/N) stood up, still holding the twins, but winced as she realized her legs were burned. i quickly steadied her with my arm around her shoulders and she smiled up at me gratefully. "kids! what happened?! are you alright?!" all might asked worriedly, and (Y/N) assured him everyone was fine, and that no one was seriously injured. "it's ok (Y/N), you know you can tell us you got burned right? no one will think any less of you, and it's no problem to treat them." aizawa said, but she waved him off just like she did with me. "it's nothing i can't handle, don't worry! do you know where these kid's parents are? their names are haruko and haruna, they said their parents are probably traveling for work and they've been home alone this whole time and-" all might stopped her and gently took the twins from her arms. they reached for her and almost started crying again but she reassured them that they could 'go with the nice man' and that she'd see them soon. all might wasn't going to let her go any further though, "you're hurt miss tsukina, go get some rest ok? us pro heroes will take good care of them, don't worry! you don't have to take care of everyone else all the time, don't push yourself so hard alright? mr shoji, could you please take her back to the dorms to see recovery girl? i know she has some tratitional medical supplies there that will work for our tsukina." he said, and i nodded affirmatively, scooping her up in my arms and not listening to her protests as i walked back towards the group.
-small timeskip-
(Y/N) was sitting on one of recovery girl's hospital beds and i was in a chair next to her. her legs and wing had gotten bandaged and now we were waiting (upon recovery girl's insistence) for her to come back with crutches. "i can walk fine you know, don't go to any trouble!" she'd said, but recovery girl wasn't having it. "ah, shush. i can't have my little angel in pain you know! i don't have grandkids of my own, let me take care of you!" she replied, already going to get the crutches. when she came back, she had two small companions though, and they jumped up onto the bed and tackled (Y/N) as soon as they saw her. "suki! suki! are you ok? we live in such a nice place now! can we see you every day? who's that boy? why does he have so many arms? is the big man adopting us? can you be our friend forever? can we go to this school too?" the twins fired off question after question and (Y/N) just nodded and giggled, settling them down on her lap. once they calmed down a little, she introduced me to them, "haruko, haruna, this is my friend shoji! he's very nice, you'll like him. i don't know anything about where you'll be living from now on but of course you can see me every day! and if you want to be a hero when you're older you can definitely apply to ua, i can tell you're super strong" she tapped each of their noses and ruffled their hair. "but we don't know our quirks yet!" haruna said. "that's ok! you've got plenty of time" (Y/N) assured them.

pov: bakugo
we were all in the common room per aizawa's orders, waiting to be introduced to the kids (Y/N) had saved. when they finally got here, (Y/N) on crutches and the twins each holding one of octoboy's arms, people started fawning over them. it was so stupid, kids are annoying anyway. but now (Y/N) was saying something to them, before winking and getting up. she left without an explanation and came back a minute later with something brown and fuzzy on her shoulder. she sat back down and held it out to the kids, and i realized it was a tiny cat. i can't deny it, the cat was pretty cute. but not cute enough to make me go over there.

pov: (Y/N)
we spent the rest of the night making the kids feel at home, feeding them dinner and setting them up with some beds in an empty room. it was around 10:30pm now, and i was sitting on the edge of their bed to put them to sleep. haruko was in some of izuku's old clothes and haruna in some of mine, and they seemed to be getting sleepy. haruna was sitting in front of me as i brushed her hair, humming softly. "suki?" haruko asked, and i looked over at him. "yeah?". "you're so nice. you're like mom, mom is nice too. did they find her yet?" he asked hopefully. "i don't know haruko, i'm sorry. but don't worry about it for now ok? just go to sleep, everything's gonna be fine" i said soothingly, stroking his hair. "it's getting late loves, lay down and i'll sing you a little song, how about that?" they nodded eagerly and i tucked them underneath the blankets. "walking through the meadow, music floating by, soft grass underfoot, stars shine brightly in the sky. hush my darling, close your eyes, a full moon is on the rise, and we'll forever be together, you and i~"

there's a link to the melody in the comments if you wanna know what it sounds like hehe~ (yes it's me singing yes i wrote it pls be nice-)

a few minutes later, they were asleep, and i quietly crept out of their room.

pov: aizawa
i've been in my office all night trying to find these kid's parents, but it just seemed like they'd disappeared! the local police had tried to track their phones but after a while the signal drops out as if their phones had been broken or turned off. we've confirmed that they did go on a business trip but they were supposed to be back days ago. what kind of parents just leave their kids like that? we suspect foul play, because everyone who knows them spoke very highly of them and their parenting. the investigation will continue tomorrow but for now...i'm going to sleep.

heyyyy thanks for reading! i don't really have much else to say this time lol but what did you think of the song?

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