💪dating shoji headcanons💪

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first date
he takes you on a cute little picnic date in the forest, and neither of you are afraid to eat this time <3

he loves to make you feel safe, always putting an arm around you or holding your hand <3

he memorized all of your favorite things and regularly surprises you with them <3

his favorite thing about you
he loves how you're never judgmental towards anyone, always accepting people for who they are without question :)

yours for him: mez
his for you: flower

a cute detail~
he loves to carry you and does it as often as he can hehe

how he reacts to someone hitting on you
he's very perceptive, and always knows exactly what's going on and if (or when) it's going to get out of hand. he's always there to defend you no matter what <3

you fall asleep on him
as was mentioned earlier, he loves to hold you so falling asleep on him is like a dream come true for our sweet boy <3

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now