⚡️dating denki headcanons⚡️

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first date
he takes you to an aquarium! it's very cute, he loves the jellyfish <3

he's very affectionate all the time, always hugging you or holding your hand or walking with his arm around you <3 he just loves you so much!

he gets his romantic tendencies straight from the movies, always making some grand gesture of affection or setting up cute dates <3

his favorite thing about you
he loves your humor, and how it's never at anyone's expense :)

yours for him: sparks
his for you: sunshine <3

a cute detail~
every time he sees flowers growing anywhere, he picks some for you <3

how he reacts to someone hitting on you
he straight up laughs at them, coming over and kissing you right there to let whoever it is know that you're his and he's yours <3

you fall asleep on him
he loves it when this happens, it makes him feel needed and loved! he thinks it's adorable and takes plenty of pictures hehe

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now