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pov: Y/N
i started to grab my pajamas to change when i noticed a large, masked figure in the doorway. "Shoji?" "hello Tsukina, i didn't want to bother you before because i saw you talking to the others. i just wanted to make sure you're ok". i smiled and motioned for him to come inside, we sat dow. on the edge of my bed. "there's no need to worry Shoji! really, i'm fine", i said, taking one of his huge hands in both of mine and giving it a little squeeze. he had always been so sweet and we'd become close friends over the course of the year. i wrapped my arms around his chest and nuzzled into him, enjoying the comfort of my friend's presence. his dupli-arms easily engulfed me, making his hugs feel safe and secure. i stood up and said "a few of our classmates were going to have a sleepover in the common room tonight at 9, do you want to come?" he stood up next to me and nodded, "sure, i'll be there". i smiled, "i'm gonna get ready so..." his eyes widened "o-oh yeah of course um- see you later" he stuttered.

pov: Shoji
a sleepover! this could be really fun, but i was a little nervous. i kept remembering the feeling of Tsukina's hug, her small body, soft hair that smelled like vanilla and lilac, those beautiful lavender eyes... i didn't want to admit it to myself, but i think i'm developing a crush. i don't know her that well, i'd just met her this year but she'd made an impression on me right away with her kindness and positivity. i felt a blush forming under my mask and i was glad no one could see it. i went into my room and closed the door, changing into my pajamas and getting my pillow and blanket.

pov: Ashido
i walked into the common room, realizing i was the first to arrive. i chose a couch to sleep on (there were enough couches for everyone) and sat down, waiting for the others. Uraraka and Tsu arrived first. "hiiiii!" "hi mina!" they said in unison. tsu wore a cute green pajama set

and uraraka wore a pink shirt with shorts

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and uraraka wore a pink shirt with shorts

"you guys look so cute!" "thank you *kero*" said tsu "aw thanks mina!" uraraka squealed "ooo i'm so excited!"

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"you guys look so cute!" "thank you *kero*" said tsu "aw thanks mina!" uraraka squealed "ooo i'm so excited!". they set their stuff next to mine and we waited for everyone else, talking and laughing. Kaminari and Kirishima arrived next, kami wearing a pikachu onesie and kiri wearing a shark one! "omg guys that's adorable!" we squealed. Todoroki was next, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. they all set their stuff down on the couches on the other side of the room, per aizawa's orders. everyone got a text from (Y/N) saying that she invited shoji too. soon enough he came in, wearing a tank top and pajama pants. deku arrived shortly after in a t shirt and fuzzy pants. we all got settled on opposite sides of the room before coming together and talking amongst ourselves. a few minutes later, we heard a soft knock on the doorframe and sure enough, it was (Y/N) holding a plate of cookies! "hi guys, sorry i'm late. i made cookies!" she wore a giant hoodie with leggings and fuzzy socks. she put the cookies on the small table and everyone came over and got one. "wow these are really good!" everyone complimented her and she looked at the ground, still not used to praise. she set all her stuff down next to ours before joining us.

pov: (Y/N)
it was a pretty standard sleepover.  talking, games, music, the normal stuff. at one point, kiri picked me up and spun me over his head! we played music and danced together, mina spinning me into shoto, who caught me and ruffled my hair before spinning me off to shoji, who cocooned me in his arms. we played truth or dare and denki was dared to give me a kiss on the cheek. his face turned red "u-um ok". i was fine with it, i mean we'd been friends forever and we were pretty comfortable with touching, considering how much we cuddle. but now he looked flustered, averting his eyes. he leaned over and gave me a small kiss, and mina and ochaco went CRAZY. they squealed and gushed about how cute it was, and i just sat there. this was normal for us and i didn't really see the big deal? anyway, soon enough it was time for bed. we all went to the couches and folded them out, forming a huge bed that we all lay on. we turned off the lights but stayed up a little longer talking. soon, everyone was asleep but me. i was starting to drift off when i felt someone slide into bed next to me, pulling me into his chest. "katsuki?" i whispered "yeah dumbass. i had to make sure you're ok." he said with a slightly softer grumpy voice. "i thought you weren't coming" i whispered back, "well i changed my mind idiot. go to sleep". i smiled and cuddled into him, surprised i got to see this side of him. i felt his strong arms around my waist and it made me feel strangely safe as i drifted off to sleep...
-the next morning-
a camera flashed in my face and i opened my eyes, still half asleep. i hear mina stifling her laughter and ochaco shushing her. i feel arms around my waist and my face was buried in someone's chest. i looked up and saw katsuki sleeping. he looked so peaceful, breathing softly and curled protectively around me. i tried to slip out of bed but his grip tightened around me. i smiled into his chest and relaxed, letting myself fall back asleep.


i wake up to pikacku yelling at me, "GET OFF HER!" she was in a deep sleep and i didn't want to wake her up, so i shot him a withering glare and sat up slowly, not letting go of her. i pulled her sleeping form into my chest, "shut up dunce face, you'll wake her up!" i whisper-yelled. tsu giggled annoyingly "i think bakugo's got a cruuush~". i glared at her "fuck off frogface". wow she really is a deep sleeper i thought, feeling her soft breathing. she grabbed a piece of my shirt in her sleep and my heart fluttered, cute... all the noise just seemed to fade away, leaving only her. her soft breathing, her hair that smelled of lilac and vanilla, her tiny body curled up and leaning on me, i felt heat rising into my face and i heard raccoon eyes squeal "look he's blushing!!!" i snapped back to reality and stuttered "wha-n-no i-". i felt suki stir in my arms and she opened her eyes with a yawn. "what's going on? denki stop yelling" she said sleepily. then icyhot decided this would be a good time to wake up and come over here. he saw us and his eyes widened and then narrowed with jealousy. he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her from my arms, holding her close to him. "what the fuck icyhot?!?! she's half asleep!"i yelled at him. then fucking four eyes decided this would be a good time to come check on us. he saw suki in icyhot's arms and me under her blanket and flipped out! "WHAT IS HE MEANING OF THIS?!?!" he yelled, doing that stupid hand thing

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now